TTC q’s


New member
Hey, I’m looking to try for my third baby in the next couple of months. I am 5’5 and 222lbs. Going in for an appt. to check out my overall health and discuss a future, hopefully, pregnancy. I plan on having a C-section. After the first baby being a c-section and my 2nd being a VBAC with a 3rd degree tear taking me out for about 5 months +, a c-section is the way to go for me. I’m a bit worried about my ObGYN because she was kind of “on me” about my weight with my second baby and I only got up to 180lbs in that pregnancy. Now I’m starting out at 222lbs and nervous about how she will go about providing care for me. Are there any questions I should ask or anything I should be prepared for going into this Dr.’s appt? Or for a C-section? Thanks for the help!
@krkrlm7 I told mine I was planning TTC and I’m 5’5 300lbs. I am trying to go under 260 by the time I would be trying. She was very supportive and I am relatively heathy besides my weight. I agree about getting a new doctor…
@krkrlm7 I’m 5’4” and was about 225lb before my pregnancy. Currently 4 weeks postpartum from a totally healthy pregnancy resulting in a totally healthy baby.

Being overweight CAN cause various issues, but is not an issue in and of itself. In my opinion, your OB should not be concerned with your weight unless they see it actually affecting you or baby.
@krkrlm7 Also forgot to mention, my OB clinic rotates their pregnant patients through all their doctors, so I’ve seen all of them (like 5?) plus 2 mfm/high risk doctors (high risk because of past loss, not because of weight) and none of them ever said a thing about my weight other than to tell me it’s recommended to take a baby aspirin daily if you’re over a certain bmi. After a few scans the high risk doctor released me saying I was a totally normal pregnancy. Weight is not something they should have reason to comment on!