TTC#1 in 3 months


New member
Hi all!

My fiancee and I have decided to move up our TTC timeline (YAY!) and will start trying in 3 months time! I've done my pre-pregnancy bloods and genetic carrier testing and I've been taking folic acid daily for 1 week now...I'm so excited I can hardly wait!

Are there any pre-pregnancy/pregnancy books and cookbooks you would recommend? Perhaps podcasts too? Just trying to prepare my mind and body in advance!

I'm feeling some fear around falling pregnant and I'm trying to focus on the joy of the decision but the fear of it not happening creeps in quite a lot. I've been pregnant once before and I chose to have a termination because I was in a domestic violent relationship at the time... It was the hardest decision I've ever made and I suppose I'm feeling scared that I may have missed my chance. I've heard this is quite a common fear, so if you have any insight or advice I welcome it!

Thank you for reading my post and best wishes to everyone TTC!

@billdyer The wiki is a great place to start! There are some book recommendations, tons of info, advice for dealing with that creeping fear and statistics to help ground you in the reality of TTC. Best of luck to you!
@billdyer It’s more about fertility, but I highly recommend reading “Taking Charge of Your Fertility.” It really cleared up a lot of the confusion I had about my body despite being 27 years old when I read it
@billdyer I recommend you find someone in your life that you can talk to about this stuff. Your fiance is a great option, but some couples don't like to talk about the nitty gritty of trying to conceive. If you have a trusted friend or family member, I have really appreciated having someone around who is happy to listen to me being sad about getting my period or annoyed that my husband accidentally chose to go out drinking with his friends on the day my OPK turned positive 🙄
@billdyer You mentioned blood tests, did they check your titer for rubella and chicken pox? Those are things to check and update a few months before pregnancy if you are not immune.
@billdyer ‘Taking Charge of Your Fertility’ and ‘It Starts with the Egg’ are a great place to start, definitely recommend them before you start trying.