Travelling with 8 months (6.5 months corrected)

We are planning to take our 34 weeker baby for a 2 weeks vacation in Europe at the beginning of summer. We are from Canada and this will be baby’s first big trip. She will be 6.5 months corrected then. Her paediatrician is okay with the plan. Any advice on what should we keep in mind in general. Anyone planned a trip with their premie this early?
@jesusiscomingbacksoon I say go for it. Peds says its okay, baby is otherwise healthy—enjoy your trip. You should consider anything you’d need to with a full term babe. Transportation & car seat things. Make sure baby & you are up to date on vaccinations. Ensure baby has a safe place to sleep. Have fun!
@jul1a Thank you! She’ll get her 6months vaccine. I am planning to take pack & play. She’s in general healthy. Nicu stays were also only for feeding & growing, no additional support needed. Hopefully she’ll enjoy the trip
@jesusiscomingbacksoon I travelled across the country (within Canada) with my daughter when she was around that age. I don’t think it’ll be any different at that age than it would be with a full term baby, as long as your baby doesn’t have any ongoing health concerns. Make sure you pack enough supplies like diapers, formula (if you’re using it) etc or know where to get it (I assume brands are different in Europe though so maybe research in advance what would be best for your baby). I’d also pack Tylenol/Motrin just in case of illness and know where to get health care in case you need it. Enjoy your trip!!
@jesusiscomingbacksoon I fly back and forth between Canada and US. My 32 weeker has done 3 round trips between 4.5 months and 10 months.

It was actually a weekend trip to Vegas (driving), where he caught covid at 4 months.

Bring your usual medication. I am not familiar with whst they have over the counter there so avoid the headache and know what works for your baby.

Bring snacks and various toys for the plane. For us, all rules go out the window on the plane. You want to watch h TV and eat stars for the umpteenth time - go for it little buddy!

I have a small stroller that I use to travel. Lots of people infant wear but they are not allowed at certain points in the flight. My guy also has a melt down in carriers.

I was able to travel with 2 items for baby (travels as a lap infant). I used it for a stroller and car seat. We have a fancy car seat at home but we use a simple lightweight one for travel.

I fly with soo much formula. I keep 24 hours in my bag plus a few extra meals as he tends to eat more on flight days. I also can't get his formula in Canada so I don't want to deal with trying to find what he's compatible with. Diapers, I usually have a few days worth but I pick up when I'm there so I don't loose valuable suitcase space!
@jesusiscomingbacksoon I have the Chicco Presto. I do not recommend it. I love my chicco activ3 jogger but hate the lightweight stroller.

The self folding option is nice but it doesn't remain locked so it randomly opens at the most inconvenient times. The basket below is too small and awkward to access. You can't fit a medium size diaper bag (I have the Eddie Bauer backpack and it does not fit).because of how it's balanced, you also can't hang the bag from the handles without it tipping (diaper bag weighs less than 10 lbs, my son weighs 23lbs and it will still try to up backwards).
@jesusiscomingbacksoon Make sure she’s up to date on her shots and ask the airline for a free bassinet seat for her. Make sure you know your health insurance options and bring medicine with you because sometimes OTC stuff in the US is hard to find here without a prescription. If she does get sick and it’s mild go to any pharmacy and talk to the pharmacist they usually have training and can even diagnose or prescribe things for people. Have fun!

Oh one more thing: careful with strollers because American ones are huge and often don’t fit and some places like public transport won’t accommodate them. Also Europeans loved to just reach out and touch my baby. I have a carrier that I use for babywearing I’d make sure to definitely bring one both for the plane and for ease of traveling around.
@kevintri99 Thank you! This is very informative. She’ll get her 6 months shots before we leave. I have taken travel insurance with the ticket. I have the Uppababy Cruz stroller, do you think I should look for a different one? Do you have any suggestions about carrier?
@jesusiscomingbacksoon It depends on where you’re going! I live in France and traveled a lot in Europe, so if you want to let me know where you’re going I might be able to help. I got rid of my Cruz because it was too big but again it will depend on where you go and what you’re doing. Feel free to DM me in happy to share tips.
@jesusiscomingbacksoon No. We drove 2 hours at most when our son was that age. I wouldn't put a baby through that if it wasn't necessary. Vacations can definitely wait. Think about all the germs in the airport and on the plane with that little tiny immune system, the pressure changes in those tiny ears, so many things.
@jesusiscomingbacksoon My husband and I went on a two-month trip to Europe with our four-month-old baby (corrected. She was exclusively breastfed, and we traveled light. We purchased a foldable stroller that could fit in the airplane cabin and the trunk of any small car. We bought diapers as we needed them and received lots of helpful advice and kindness from the people we met. It was a wonderful experience, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is considering traveling with a baby. Enjoy your trip!