Travel bed for 2 year old

@gerian I have this one but haven’t used it yet. My SIL recommended it though and her kids loved it. There are also travel kid cots too which my other SIL suggested. Or you can try an extra mattress pad for the PNP. I know they aren’t considered “Safe Sleep” but as long as it fits snugly in the PnP it should be decently safe at that age and it made a ton of difference for my baby and sleeping in her PNP.

Here’s a link to the travel cot:
@gerian We use the travel cot listed on the second link above and started around when my son was 2! I bought a kiddie sleeping bag and usually he sleeps with that as sort of a pad for the cot with his regular bed blankets on top of him. He loves his cot and sometimes when we get upgraded to a room that has a bed for him he still prefers his little cot. My other unsolicited tip for a hotel stay is to bring extra blackout curtains and blue painters tape. Painters tape can hold up the curtains to block off a little area for the cot (this helped us because of my son couldn’t directly see us he would go back to sleep easier). We have done a lot of temporary furniture rearranging in hotel rooms to make a nook! Painters tape also works well when traveling for childproofing a cabinet or blocking an outlet.
@gerian We bought this one last year (@ 15 mo) when we had a trip that required a hotel stay and have used it for travel since then. In the past 6 months we've been spending several days a week at my parents' house because there is more room there for our now 22 mo daughter to run around while I WFH and she has been napping in this bed solidly. She's tall for her age (wearing 3T already) and she will still be able to use this bed for quite a while. It's a bit spendier than some of the other options, but it will probably also outlast them too.
@gerian What about the pack n play does she dislike? We bought the Hiccapop mattress for the pack n play and now my son sleeps so much better on trips. If you don’t have a mattress in there on top of the one that it comes with, it’s worth trying.
@katrina2017 Aren't hotel requested cribs usually just a pack and play? So that would be the same thing we have.

I didn't know vinyl is a problem. What's wrong with it?
@katrina2017 I mean people use it camping right? It’s just for a few nights a year. I hadn’t heard of this and we all use vinyl air mattresses for camping each summer

Edit: am I really stupid? Your link is talking about vinyl chloride gas, does that come off the mattress or something?
@roneil yes.

What is vinyl chloride?

Vinyl chloride is a colorless gas at room temperature that has a mild, sweet odor. It is handled and shipped as a liquid under high pressure in a special container. It is used to produce polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a plastic material used to make many products, including automotive parts, furniture, and building materials.
@gerian No but my one year old hated the travel cot with a passion until we bought a travel mattrass to go with it. The ones the come with are basically just a peice of board.