Took Plan B :(


New member
First post, so I'm sorry if I break any rules (I clicked on the guidelines but it was deleted so?). This is mostly just a vent, with some advice desired.

Fiance (FDH) and I have been together for three years now, engaged for one year. FDH is finishing up police academy and looking for a job. I work in childcare for fucking peanuts, so I can't afford anything. I currently pay back my student loans and while I don't pay for rent (i was a full time caregiver for my grandfather and he left me and my uncle the house when he passed away), but I pay for everything else, my student loans, my insurance, food, phone, utilities, etc. My uncle is a low grade hoarder so while I can handle living here, FDH cannot. A lot of our plans hinge on him getting a job. He plans to pay for the base rent of the place and help with the other things to get us our own place. Even with rent, the standard starting income for law enforcement officers around here would afford us plenty to put in savings.

So basically our plan is to Start Trying once we buy a house. That could be in three or four years. However, we have also decided that should I become pregnant on accident at this point in our relationship, we would not abort. We have enough of a support system that while we wouldn't be in a great place, we'd get by.

I have a really really bad cold. I get broncitisis and lung infections a lot, so to head it off at the pass, my doctor gave me antibiotics. You see where this is going.

He came in me on accident this morning. I know on accident because he'd been great about pulling out and the utter panic that came over this man. We went and bought Plan B (I made him pay for it since it as his fault and he got to complain loudly about how much bullshit this price for one pill is), and I took it. I'm not really upset by this, because just... it's not abortion, it's preventing conception, so I'm not bothered.

FDH is distraught. He really wants kids, so while he knows this is for the best, he's very upset about him putting me in this situation, me having to take the pill (which then upset my stomach all day which he then further fretted about), and us having to wait about having children because we want to be responsible people.

I guess my main question is; is there any couples here where the man/boyfriend/husband is just as impatient to have a child?

TLDR: Took Plan B, FDH is very upset.
Edit to add TLDR
@lrkamp My fiancé and I had a talk the other day about how much we wish we could just stay trying now.

But we both grew up really poor with parents and we remember how much it sucks.

So we're waiting until we're financially ready, with all big house projects done.

It sucks being responsible :(
@lindseyh Exactly! My parents were middle class, but my dad suffered a huge business loss when I was at the end of elementary school and when my mom was pregnant with my little sister. For about five years we didn't eat consistently and were worried we'd become homeless. I don't want my kids to ever have to experience it.
@lrkamp Exactly!

Plus I remember always wanting to do out of school activities with my friends but i was always told we couldn't afford it. It severely stunted my social growth. I don't want to put my kids through that.
@lindseyh Through elementary school, I was in all sorts of after-school activities, but when The Thing happened, that stopped. Luckily my grandfather offered to pay for recreation soccer (it was only $50 i think?) but I appreciated it so much.
@lrkamp That's cool of your grandfather to do that! My grandma would give me money every once in a while. Just for nothing in particular. She would just start handing me 20's

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