Took L.O. to the E.R


New member
He tries to peel a potatoes and cut his finger. Sliced some of it clean off including the nail.

There was so much blood I couldn't look at it and called my husband to come home and take us to the E.R.

I tell him not to look at it he will bleed out.

So we go to the E.R. me compressing his thumb.

We wait 6 hours while I am crying that I am a terrible mom and my son and husband tell me to calm down it's just my severe anxiety problem.

The doctor sees our son and tells us he just needs some polysporin and a band aid. It's a little cut.
@xeonome I’ve cut my finger as well and it’s super scary looking. Lots of nerve endings so the blood is insane. Fingers are just dramatic. Glad everything is ok!

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