Too affectionate with toddler?

@bellzybee I hug and kiss my toddler “too much” but neither of us care! I can’t see his beautiful face without needing to kiss or hug him, I just love him so much and that’s how I show it! He’s 33/34 months (?? I stopped counting, he’s 3 in May) and he randomly runs up to me now to give me a hug or kiss and I love it. If he says no to a hug or kiss I just respond with “that’s ok, mummy loves you so much” or something a long them lines, I don’t force him but 99% of the time he loves the affection as well.
I don’t think it’s too much, anyone who thinks you can has issues they need to deal with. That’s not said in a mean way, but clearly they’ve picked up affection is bad in some area of their life and they need to work on that rather than trying to change the relationship you have with your child so they feel more comfortable
@bellzybee There will come a day when my 4 yo girl will spend more time with her friends, when she will think kissing mum is lame and cuddles are not cute anymore.

Until then, i will kiss and cuddle any chance I get. Don't let your husband change how you express affection to your kid.
@bellzybee Kissing and hugging my children is one of the joys of my life. No, you can’t show too much affection to your kids. You’re building a solid sense of warmth in their hearts.
@bellzybee No. You cannot spoil a baby and you can never spoil a child no matter what age with signs of love. Keep being amazing. You are growing kind children and the world needs more of it ❤️❤️❤️
@bellzybee I think this is a discussion you need to have with your husband. It might have something to do a reflection of his needs or feelings from his mom to him or maybe the affection he longs from you? You just never know without talking to him about it.
You sound like a lovely mother you loves her child like every parent should. As long as you're respecting his boundaries and it sounds like you are as your child grows and develops he'll let you know his comfort level as long as your provide an environment for him to feel safe to. I just think talking to the source of the comment would very much help both of you.