Toddler screams and cries at daycare for an hour before passing out from exhaustion


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Hi everyone!

Not looking for advice, just feeling sad and needed to get it off my chest.

I have 14-month old twins, “T” (f) and “D” (m). I am very fortunate that I work part-time and am home with the kids part-time. I went back to work when the kids were about 4 months. In our area, daycare for two kids under 1 was more expensive than a nanny, so we had a nanny, “L” come to our home twice a wee. She was absolutely wonderful.

L received a really serious diagnosis last month, and had to start intensive treatment immediately. She is such an amazing and kind person, but my worry and sadness for her personally is for a whole other post. I haven’t fully processed that yet.

I took off 10 days from work while looking for new childcare for my kids. I found a small home daycare that just “graduated” two kids and had room for two more. My kids started two weeks ago.

T has been doing great, as I knew she would. She’s super easy going; my husband and I always joke that we don’t know where she gets it from. D is having a harder time. When I drop him off, he cries and screams on top of his lungs. The day care owner tells me that he screams like that for about an hour till he passes out from exhaustion, then sleeps for nearly three hours (which is much longer than his usual nap). When he wakes up, he’s a bit grumpy for a bit but then he apparently gets adjusted quickly. My husband picks them up and both T and D look happy and cheerful.

I guess this is normal; it will probably take more time. I also don’t know if he’s actively thinking of L and missing her, or only missing his dad and me, or also missing being at home. He probably also finds it overwhelming that there other kids besides him and his sister and two very cute, friendly but very barky dogs. (He doesn’t show fear around them anymore.)

Anyway, just wanted to vent. It’s so hard to walk away when your baby is crying and holding his arms out for you. I hope he’s not under too much stress.
@likim It’s a big adjustment, definitely takes time but also screaming for an hour is a lot. How many days a week do they go there? If not five days a week it’s going to take longer than a few weeks to adjust. Does sound stressful with dogs in the mix. Hopefully it gets better soon for you!
@jesselynn They go two days a week.
I’m starting to worry about the dogs during drop off too. I’m not afraid that they’ll hurt my kids, but the dogs get very excited and want to lick their faces. (They stop when they’re told to). I don’t think D is scared anymore, but he’s definitely overwhelmed. Apparently once the dogs calm down D loves them. The owner has sent me pics of both kids petting the dogs and they (dogs and children) look thrilled. I wonder if I can ask the daycare owner if there’s a way the dogs can be in a different room during drop off? Or is that an inappropriate ask?
@lwh I’m not thrilled about it either, but I had to find a place quickly. It was either this place or another place that was super sketch. FWIW, I know this person from my neighborhood and I know the dogs; if these were stranger dogs, I’d have convince my husband that we should keep looking even if it weren’t really financially feasible for me to take more time off work. Maybe that’s what we should be doing anyway. I don’t know.
@likim Yeah if it’s only two days a week it could take a month or two to adjust. I remember when my daughter was that age she switched daycare rooms and took a couple weeks to adjust, but another girl only going 2 days a week had a much harder adjustment. It will get better. I’d keep an eye on the dog situation though if that’s causing extra stress.
@likim I enrolled my 16 month old in daycare after being watched by her grandma full time and she cried for an entire month before properly adjusting. Apparently this is pretty common for the age, as heartbreaking as it is :(
@likim I used to be a center director and 12-18 months was the most challenging time for kids to start daycare. They WILL adjust, I promise! But I used to tell parents that at that age it can take full time kids a month, and part time kids longer than that.
@likim I’m sorry just sharing support. My son was a crier with all babysitters , even grandma didn’t want to watch him. It was so sad. I hope he gets more comfortable soon
@likim I can’t help, but your situation sounds similar to mine. Oldest is cared for by grandparents most of the time (almost 2.5 now). Twins are cared for by a nanny in our home. I also work part time, thankfully. My in-laws wanted to help with the twins as well/get to know them like they did oldest. Oldest started a little Mother’s Day out program twice a week. We thought she would love it bc she loves other kids. Nope. I always ask if she likes school and wants to go back, and she says no. She cries every time I drop her off. It’s heartbreaking. However, thankfully they said she adjusts quickly after I leave. It’s just tough to leave your baby crying. No advice, just solidarity
@eternity75 My kids absolutely love school and have since they were babies (now they are 3 & 5), but if we flat out asked them if they like school and if they want to go back, they'd certainly both say no. Our 3 year old still cries at dropoff sometimes, but sometimes she runs in without saying goodbye. She has been going here since 9 months old and her drop off emotions have ebbed and flowed. The questions we ask them instead to really understand what is going on from their POV at school are: tell me what you liked about school today. Tell me what was hard about school today. What was the best thing you did today at school? What made you sad today at school? What made you happy today at school?

I'd definitely avoid asking if she wants to go back because it makes her think she has a choice in the matter, yet then she gets dropped off the next time.
@hannahbaker101 Thanks! We are new at this. I think it’s usually more like did you have fun at school today? Yes. So then you’re excited to go back in a few days, right?! No. I don’t want to go back. lol. Then of course the morning of its like “I don’t want to go. I’m sad.” And I’m like you’re going to have so much fun though! And so on lol
@likim Sounds tough. Hopefully it’s just an adjustment period. My daughter would absolutely not be ok with dogs in the house and barking. And she’s 3.5 yo. She hates loud noises and doesn’t like dogs though.