Toddler (21 months) is a horribly picky eater


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Who else has a toddler who is suddenly the world's pickiest eater? And what do you suggest I should do?

When we started BLW at 6 months he literally ate everything and anything and then as soon as he hit around 17 months it's like a light switch and suddenly he refuses e v e r y t h i n g.

I am losing my mind over here. He will not eat ANY meals I make. Not even spaghetti!
Just mac'n'cheese, pizza or PB&J. That is it.

Won't do fruits (except sometimes watermelon), no veggies EVER, hates meat, doesn't like pasta, doesn't even like eggs.


I'm beginning to get scared of his nutrition intake, which is why we (per the pediatrician) still have him on formula at night so he gets SOMETHING of value in his life.

EDIT TO ADD: Finally got him to eat french toast but he's still "unsure" about it and gives it a skeptical look.
@minders0486 Hey look, my 17 month old has decided that he is not eating anything at all other than dog food. My mom suggested to just give him some and see what happens. He’s just chowing down. It’s a really high quality dog food but it’s so gross...
@minders0486 My son started this around 25 months and has been ongoing for about 6 months now. Only eats pancakes, pb&j, hotdogs, vanilla wafers (sometimes) and fruit. I always offer something we know he will eat and something from our main meal. He rarely even looks at the extra offerings but they’re there when he finally wants to try again.
@ggiindia I like your advice! I would agree on doing some "safe" foods on the plate along "new" foods or just foods you know that your kiddo thinks are "gross". At least they are exposed to it, and they can choose to just eat what they like. Sometimes they surprise you.

I would just check to see that your kiddo isn't drinking too much milk or juice before meals or eating too many snacks before/after dinner. I know sometimes kids know they can eat a favorite granola bar after dinner if they say they are hungry because as parents we don't want them to starve.

You might also try offering foods with fun little picks in them, or cut into fun shapes to make it seem different than what they thought they didn't like. Maybe dips or other fun presentations can encourage a try? Amazon:

I follow a couple informative toddler food accounts on Instagram and they have helped me tremendously! snackswithjax and yummytoddlerfood really touch a lot on picky eaters and exposure. Good luck!
@minders0486 My 23 month old son is the same way. Unless he really knows what it is - he won’t eat it. Apparently exposure is key and sometimes kids needs to be exposed to foods soooo many times until they will eat it. “Kids eat in color” IG account has helped us a lot. My son ate a piece of tomato yesterday and I nearly fainted.
@minders0486 My almost 3 years old toddler used to eat everything too, up until he turned almost 2. Then it was down to only chicken nuggets, sweet potatoes, French fries, noodles, SNACKS, some dried fruits, but he takes in a wide variety of drinks. A veteran mom had advices me to start making fruit/veggie shakes meanwhile. That’s what I’ve been doing to supplement his veggie/real fruit servings. SHAKES.