Tight hip flexors postpartum


New member
I’m 7 months postpartum (c-section delivery) and I’ve found my hip flexors are INCREDIBLY tight. Before delivery I was able to do a butterfly stretch with my knees touching the ground and now I can barely get them down to 8 inches off the ground. Anyone else experience this?

I am working out 5 days a week how I did pre- and during pregnancy (running and weight training) and doing yoga daily so I’m not inactive. Anything I can do besides just daily stretching focusing on the hip flexors?
@siege777 Go to pelvic floor PT if you haven’t already. It’s a good first step before actually getting back to working out - they will help assess you and give you specific exercises to target muscles that may have been weakened or tightened during pregnancy and labor, which will help you get back to your strength and flexibility.

I had incredibly tight hip flexors causing pelvic floor issues TWO YEARS after my first kid from starting a remote job and being tense all the time. No work out I did helped until I got some guidance from the pelvic floor pt.
@siege777 OP, I have the exact symptoms as you - also c section and 6 months pp with a regular workout routine as well. Did you find anything else that helps besides stretching?
@alysson Nothing. Daily stretching has helped considerably in terms of overall tightness, but I’m still nowhere near where I was pre-delivery in terms of flexibility.
@siege777 Omg exact same problem over here !!!! I have a very similar situation: could always do butterfly no problem and now im 6 months PP (workout, stretch, and do yoga) and my hips are so tight- it’s frustrating!