Thrive Market


New member
Do y’all have thrive market and do you love or hate? I live in a rural area, so we don’t have many clean eating options. How’s the pricing, food options, anything else I need to know? I have heard it’s hard to cancel.
@nowforever I applied for a, ‘Thrive Cares,’ membership (free for poors) about 9 years ago and they’ve never canceled it. Hadn’t used it in years but thought of them the other day while shopping for quality cod liver oil. They have some frou frou stuff for as good a set of prices as I’ve seen anywhere! Frozen meats/fish etc. are expensive but if you live far away from a store, having them shipped to you may make it worth the expense? If you’re curious about some specific prices/products to help decide if it’s worth signing up, lmk and I’ll check the app
@favourfelix Ooh thanks, I just applied for this! I think it might be called Thrive Gives now. I pretty much just have Walmart near me so this would be nice to order things I can’t find locally :)
@nowforever I really like it! I don’t have any monthly subscriptions on it so I just order when I want. I like it for healthier snacks than my local Safeway would have, as well as options for cleaning and diapers! It’s definitely been worth it to me and I like ordering stuff somewhere that isn’t Amazon.
@nicholassoap You still pay monthly, but there’s an option for “auto ship” where there’s a list of items you have sent to you monthly, so I think that’s what they mean by subscriptions.
@nowforever Cancelling isn’t technically hard but they don’t make it obvious. IIRC you need to use the chat function and it takes about two minutes.

We used and loved it for year, however we cancelled last year because pricing and product quality was no longer worth it. We used it primarily for gluten free speciality items, so ymmv. Every single product I was purchasing from them slowly crept up in price until it was equal to Whole Foods or Safeway. I can get everything cheaper at Sprouts, Amazon, or using coupons at Safeway.

We also received three orders in a row where all of the bread was moldy.

If you don’t have a local health food store with prices lower than Whole Foods, then Thrive is likely worth it.
@nowforever I’ve had a membership for years and order probably twice a month. Personally I love it, some things are cheaper in my local grocery store sometimes, but ultimately it’s so much easier getting pantry items delivered. They also have a lot of cleaner brands I can’t get in my regular grocery store which is important to me for snacks and kid items.
@nowforever I love it! I live in Northern California, so we have no problem finding most of the brands Thrive sells but they are almost always cheaper on Thrive than my local granoly store. I like that you can also order frozen foods. I don't find that to be as good of a deal typically, but it's still not bad.
@nowforever I’ve had it for a few years and I love it! Their sales are so good and they ship fast which is helpful because I try to avoid Amazon as much as possible. They also have a lot of free “gifts” that are actually things you want.
@nowforever I live in NW Florida and our food options suck. It’s not hard to cancel at all. I signed up for it a few months ago and canceled with 0 issues. I signed back up for it though because I really did enjoy it. My son has food allergies and we don’t have Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, any health food stores where I live. I’m able to get him snacks off thrive that work with his allergies. I also get household cleaning stuff, vitamins, bath stuff. I have yet to get produce or meat though.
@spandexwarrior231 Do you know about the Azure pickup? I’ve kinda heard that there isn’t much notice. You just have to be there when the truck arrives. Could be 7AM or 7PM. The closest pickup is about 45 mins from me. Idk if I can just drop everything to go pick up. I’d love to do Azure though :)
@nowforever Apparently I'm in the minority when I say it was worse than cancelling Comcast. But I'm in a urban/suburban area with lots of other local options, so when they royally screwed up my first order I had no reservations about immediately cancelling. Given that I only made the one order I'm limited on my input, but I felt like it was better than regular grocery store prices, but more than when you can find things on sale. There were also a lot of snack options and fewer staples, and you had to pay extra for refrigerator/freezer items since they're shipped separately in cold boxes.
@nowforever I have it and love it, I’ve been a member since 2017 and use it often. I tend to buy vitamins, kid snacks, and pantry staples from them, it’s often cheaper than my grocery store and they have a great selection. They have super fast refunds if something is damaged during shipping. I’ve heard that it’s hard to cancel as well but I’ve never wanted to, and honestly…. I cancelled my Facebook account over a decade ago and it took 3 weeks. After that, nothing phases me lol
@nowforever Paid for a year membership about 3 months ago when my little started solids and was looking for some wholesome snacks. So far so good - happy with the selections! Have replaced plenty of our adult pantry products (oils, snacks, oats etc.) for better alternatives since as well. Next will work on trying out new cleaning products and detergents!