Threatened Miscarriage


New member
Last night after my show I started bleeding pretty heavily, I rush to the hospital right away. I had no cramping, no pain, ultimately I felt great. I was there for 6 hours. I got an ultrasound and these were the results. I only understand a few things but I am really worried I might still miscarry.
Baby is 6 weeks 3 days, fetal bradycardia with 87 BPM which is technically low. Crown rump length is 5.1 mm which is right where we need to be, but I definitely have subchorionic hemorrhage which is what caused the bleeding.
Everything was normal but they couldn't tell me FOR SURE until I get another ultrasound.
Im 31 years old, me and my boyfriend have wanted this for so long.
I think not having pain or cramping and waking up nauseous and puking is a good sign of live pregnancy. I think baby is going to pull through and be tough like his/her momma.

Transvaginal US
1. Single live intrauterine pregnancy with estimated gestational age of 6 weeks and 2 days and fetal bradycardia of 86 bpm. Recommend follow-up beta hCG and pelvic ultrasound as clinically indicated.
2. Moderate subchorionic hemorrhage.


Uterus: Anteverted and anteflexed with normal morphology, measuring 9.8 x 5.8 x 9.9 cm. The myometrium is homogeneous in echotexture. A gestational sac is present within the endometrial cavity at the level of the fundus. Yolk sac measures 0.26 cm. Fetal pole is identified with crown-rump length of 5.1 mm, corresponding to an estimated gestational age of 6 weeks and 2 days. Fetal cardiac activity is detected, although bradycardic at 86 bpm. Along the right lateral aspect of the gestational sac, there is a crescentic shaped anechoic to hypoechoic fluid collection measuring 1.5 x 0.6 x 1.6 cm, likely a subchorionic hemorrhage. Layering echogenicity likely represents fluid fluid level from additional blood products.
@nduchan When did you first get a positive test? If your dates line up then that's positive.

I had a scan around the same time and they wouldn't even tell me the heart rate so I'm not sure on the significance. I would say you're still very early if your dates work out so I wouldn't assume anything yet.

Subchrionic hemorrhages are relatively common and don't normally affect the baby.
@nduchan Im not sure if you’re posting to get advice or?
I would just like to say that my best friend that is currently pregnant, have had similar experience, passing clots that were the size of a walnut, cramps, was sure she will miscarry, and at the end its all good 🥹❤️ she is I think 15-16 weeks along now, and it all resolved!
@nduchan I've had very similar experience at around that same time in my pregnancy and was put in progesterone suppositories until week 12. Even at week 12 I still had some hematoma left but pregnancy went on to full term great.
Talk to your doctor about progesterone supplement
@nduchan My sister bled heavily for days toward the beginning of her pregnancy, and after being told by doctors and nurses she was probably going to miscarry, she learned that the bleeding was most likely from having sex. During pregnancy (perhaps at the beginning, not sure if this is for the duration) your cervix can become engorged with blood, and sex can make them “rupture” for lack of a better term, nothing unsafe about it just disconcerting. She now has a healthy 6 year old!