The Importance Of Protecting Your Mental Wellbeing As A Parent (recent post I made on my Insta)


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I thought it was important to share this post everywhere! My Instagram handle is @That_Rainbow_Mama if you'd like to see the original post and photos that go with it! Here it is:

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but it can also be very challenging at times. It's easy to feel burned out, especially while your children are little and depend on you for their every need and want.

As parents, we often put our troubles aside and focus solely on our children's needs. But it's important to nurture your mental and emotional health too - for yourself and for your family. Taking a break to recharge is essential!

Tips to protect your mental wellbeing:

1) Don't compare yourself to other parents. This is very easy to do in the technological age we live in. It seems every time we log on to a social media platform, we are bombarded with people seemingly living perfect lives and being perfect parents. I'm here to tell you, if you didn't know already or simply need a reminder, that this is fake.

2) Find a healthy outlet for your emotions. This could be journaling or something else to creatively express yourself, going for a walk, etc.

3) Practice self-compassion. Do not pressure yourself to be a perfect parent 24/7, that's an impossible task. It's okay to make mistakes, as long as you acknowledge them correctly and learn how to avoid making that mistake again.

4) Connect with loved ones. Sometimes simply sitting down with a family member or friend is the best way to get yourself out of a funk or stop yourself from spiraling into one.

5) Remove anything from your life that isn’t serving you anymore. This includes people, thoughts, and material possessions. You'll be amazed to find how freeing it can be to let go of the negativity and those who doubt your abilities in unhelpful ways.

6) Seek professional help if needed. Remember, it's always okay to ask for help when you need it. I know first hand that this could be a daunting task as a parent. So many thoughts went through my mind after I realised I had Postnatal Depression and needed professional help. The worst thing you can do is give into those fears and keep how you feel to yourself. No one can help you until you make the decision to help yourself.

My inbox is always open to those who need to vent! #selfcare #mentalhealthawareness