The Big 3 5

@hasanali147 Happy birthday! I'm going to be 35 in the summer and I agree that having "advanced maternal age" written on my chart is a pretty dispiriting thought.

However my mum had my younger sister at 41 and my older sister was 35 & 38 when she conceived her 2 kids so I remind myself it's not a cursed number!
@hasanali147 Sending hugs your way!!! And happy early birthday!

I'm 36 now, but my 35th birthday was a bit depressing. Now my thinking is that there's a lot of women who try to get pregnant up into their forties, so there's definitely plenty of time left! Apart from TTC, I still feel pretty young :) I think my subjective definition/feeling of 'middle aged' or 'old' seems to shift each year along with my age. My parents are in their mid-late 60s and I still think of them as young(ish)! In some countries, older parents are definitely becoming the norm, so we're not alone :)
@tcauthor I just wish the terms "advanced maternal age" & "geriatric pregnancy" never existed. I wouldn't have this hangup about turning 35! But they do, so I have to learn to cope. Hugs to you.
@hasanali147 Especially “geriatric” pregnancy! The only plus side (in my experience anyway) is that doctors tend to take your concerns more seriously. Although they should really take everyone seriously regardless of age.
@hasanali147 I turned 35 last year, at first I dreaded it. But then I rechecked my AMH I went from 37 @ age 34 to 35 @ age 35! So I’ve decided, the medical field and their predictions can kick rocks. My body is capable, and no one on earth can limit its potential. Let’s keep believing in ourselves ladies!! Our dreams will come true!
@hasanali147 Happy birthday! I’m turning 35 this year too and feeling really insecure about it for some reason. Actually I know why, and it’s bc of the prospect of the dreaded “advanced maternal age” 🙄Also I’ve been super negative lately, so our bad luck with TTC so far plus staring down 35 doesn’t help. I’m an only child and have always longed for a big family with at least 2 kids, and now feel like that won’t be possible. My RE was reassuring and made me feel a little better about having plenty of time. Still just feels discouraging when we’re at this point of not having had a successful pregnancy yet. So I feel you! And thank you for the invite to your group hug 🤗
@chrislaforest I know they changed it from "geriatric" to "advance maternal age," which is an improvement, but can they just not? Do we really need a different title? I'm glad your RE is hopeful. It's so hard to fight the negative feelings, so I get it. Yes, hugs, get in here!
@hasanali147 Totally hear you! Every birthday since we started trying I always assumed I’d be pregnant. You’re not a bummer, it’s totally normal!
A birthday is to celebrate your amazing self, so try and focus on that! Make it all about you what you want to do. If it’s pampering and chocolate cake do that. Sending hugs and positive vibes your way
@hasanali147 Snap, I turned 35 just last month, and that was also when I was due too. I made a point of doing a test the day before, so getting my period wouldn't upset me as much.
I had an idea it might be more likely, simply cause it would be a lovely birthday present to myself, and it would mean I could cancel my fertility appointment, but alas, no.
@hasanali147 I’m due on my birthday too this month! My birthday is the 25 and I am supposed to get it then. Ugh. I keep thinking what if its a birthday present this year. Haven’t tested yet.
@hasanali147 34 years old here. Started trying in January. I feel you. My fiance is younger than me and he believes it will come any time soon. Haha. Men can be very unaware of odds at our age... :(