The 2:30 am, tooth fairy forgot to break a $20, gas station run - was received well by the clerk (also a dad)


New member
Dads I felt like a piece of poop at 11pm, when I realized most places are closed in my area, that the tooth fairy would disappoint a 7 and 10yr old. But dad guilt woke me up and reminded me of the gas station that was now open 24/7 again. I went in and purchased an item and the clerk was more than happy to give an additional $5 worth of ones back in change. He was also a dad and we spent a few seconds sharing our kids ages. He was a awesome dad of 2 with one close on the way, all boys. Just thought I’d share guilt is real and so is triumph in the little things.
@kopchicksaved2014 I had a similar situation happen where I only had a $20 bill so I just left it and said “wow, the tooth fairy must have been feeling generous last night”.

We always did a golden dollar coin, mostly because I got a roll of them and knew they would always be available. I moved though and lost them
@youcancallmeguy The tooth fairy assigned to our house is the worst slacker in the bunch. He never seems to come by on the first night and even when he does come he often forgets to take the tooth. (They figure it must be a dude because only a guy tooth fairy could be this bad.) They've resorted to making signs that say "tooth right here" because the "under the pillow" and cute tooth cases/pillows weren't enough of a hint. He has even left the money in the car once.

My kids stopped calling him the tooth fairy and now call him the Bum Fairy.