The 2:30 am, tooth fairy forgot to break a $20, gas station run - was received well by the clerk (also a dad)

@youcancallmeguy I fell asleep and forgot about the tooth fairy until she woke up and started crying. Felt like complete shit but I saved it, though. While she took a shower, I put $2 in an envelope with a note that said the Tooth Fairy had a cold and didn't want to come inside and risk getting her sick too. I taped it to the front door, and we "found" it when we left for school
@youcancallmeguy If you're up for suggestions....

Hide an envelope somewhere and stuff $20-$30 worth of "tooth fairy" fees in it. Future you will be incredibly grateful if you forget again ☺️

And if you never need it, you'll also get that finding $5 in last year's summer jacket feeling when you stumble on it later.
@eagle_eye222001 Inflation is a bitch. Where I am, people are giving $20s, which I think is outrageous. We have agreed on $10 for first and $5/tooth for the rest, which is also outrageous to me, but this isn’t 1989 where a quarter will suffice
@whiteisfamily That’s definitely out of the box thinking.

My kids were losing teeth before they could read. Or before they had any real appreciation of money, savings, or bank accounts.

There’s something to the magic of the tooth disappearing and something physical in it’s place, at least at a young age.

Nevertheless, interesting idea. Maybe you can deposit it into an brokerage account and they can learn to invest with it. That tooth could be 1/30 of a share of AAPL.
@youcancallmeguy Tooth fairy duties have been killing me.

First kid we were doing gold dollar coins, upping it for each new tooth he lost. Then dollar coins started becoming hard to come by and I found myself going to the bank, no luck, grocery store, got 1, Arby's drive thru, they asked around and came up with 4 - woo-hoo! An extra to spare. At least now he has been happy to switch to Roblox gift cards.

His sister on the other hand doesn't seem to get it. She just argues that the tooth fairy is magical and just brings whatever you want and asks for a different toy we don't have every time. Which, next to impossible to find stores open late during the virus btw. Anywho, one night had to be, oh it looks like it slid off your bed onto the floor overnight. I bet they couldn't find it. Let's try again tonight, and try to sleep really well, so you don't scoot it out from your pillow again.

Next two kids starting soon...
@youcancallmeguy My oldest’s last front tooth has been wiggly for almost two weeks. My daughter splits time between her mothers house and mine. A year or two ago we agreed that the tooth fairy would give quarters, maybe a dollar per tooth.

However, half a dozen teeth later - which has all been at her mothers house - the tooth fairy left $5/tooth and $20 for the first front/big tooth. 0_o! Dunno how the rates have skyrocketed that much.

My daughter was at my house last night, went to bed at 7:30 wiggling it big time. At 9 pm, she walked down the stairs asking me to try to pull it out, even asked to just grab a pair of pliers and go all Ron Swanson with it. I tried - no luck (phew!)

Before I went to bed at 11, I checked on her, made her wake up and go to the bathroom… and checked to make sure the tooth as still in her head! Didn’t want for her to have removed it and for not to tell me! That would have been bad.

Today she goes back to her mom’s for a week, let the tooth fairy drop another $20 on the last front tooth. Yikes.
@youcancallmeguy My 10 year old told me today the tooth fairy don’t exist because it has been a week of her tooth being under the pillow and nothing has happened. And that she was suspecting it was us as she did not tell us about the tooth and how she got the same bike I had a picture of for Christmas…. It went from baby how do you.. to yes honey we do this to keep the magic of imagination flowing blablahblah please don’t mess it up for you siblings. The six year old got $10 two weeks ago due to inflation and a day late.
@youcancallmeguy We used to give my son the $1 gold colored coins.

Which he would then exchange to use so he could put the paper money in his wallet.

He got his tooth fairy money from the same 7 or 8 shiniest coins over and over.