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My baby girls were premie ND low birth weight 3ish lb at birth. They are about to be 1 year and they have no teeth. Is this normal? Yes I know I should probably ask my pediatrician, but honestly the answers I get from POMs are generally more on point, so I will just ask when did your babies get their first tooth?

Update: thank you all, it makes me feel better to know that this is possibly normal. Everyone in my bumpers subreddit has like 3-4 teeth and I was a bit freaked out. And it seems like they have been teething and drooling and in pain for-e-v-e-r...

Edit: so one girl got one tooth a week after the first birthday. And since then she is just teething with no signs of a tooth. The other just keeps on being in pain and the pediatrician says he doesn't see any nubs. They are now 13.5 months. Posting as my teething saga continues. 😊
@mrsstylz My first was 6.5 months when she got her first teeth and she was aggressively average with timing of her teeth. My boys are almost 9 months, not a tooth in sight. I asked my mom about this and I didn’t start cutting teeth until 9 months, my sister was over a year old! And we were both full term. Teething timing has a very broad range from everything I’ve seen, I was just spoiled the first time apparently.
@mrsstylz My first was full term, average weight/lenght, cut his first tooth around 1 (I believe he walked before he had teeth). My second was also full term, average weight/lenght, cut his first tooth around 7mo. And the twins were 5 weeks early, small but average for twins, and one cut her first tooth around 9mo while the other had a gummy smile until 14 or 15 months.

What really got me was the pace. Basically, although one started six months before the other, they were "equal" in terms of number of teeth by 18 months old. The last one looked like they got dentures overnight 😂
@mrsstylz My twins were full term born at 6lbs and neither of them got teeth until they were a year old or more. It didn't stop them from teething the whole dang time though. If you're very concerned you can take them to a pediatric dentist to have their gums looked at.
@mrsstylz My twins are only 9 months, but one of my friends singleton didn’t cut her first tooth until around 15 months. As far as I know, her doctor said it could be normal to go up to 18 months before getting the first tooth.
@mrsstylz Ours were term, but one was 1900g (Barf) and one 2100 (Belch) and Barf has had teeth since they were 9m, Belch only started getting them in two months ago at 16m. Our dentist said not to worry; there's nothing that can really be done and they'll come when they come when we saw him at 10m.
@mrsstylz My girls were also preemie (~3.5lbs twin B and almost 4lbs twin A). They are 8 months adjusted and both have their bottom, middle teeth. I would say we started noticing significant teething at 6.5 months adjusted.
On the other hand, my good friend’s baby who was full term, didn’t get her first tooth until 9-10 months.
@mrsstylz My identical were born at 30 weeks and TINY and got there first yet right around (maybe right after?) their first birthday. Totally normal!!! They got 4 teeth each within a month or two and then nothing for another few months. They’re now almost 17 months and teething like crazy. Looks like they’re each getting 2-4 teeth at the same time. Most other kiddos I know had 8 teeth by first birthday so these guys are just on a much slower schedule .
@mrsstylz My nephew got his 1st tooth at 16 months, a month later my son got his first. They are 12 months apart in age. My sister's dentist said that if none had popped out by 18 months they would send him for x-rays to see what was up.