TDaP vaccination and troubles

@jacknife Hand washing, not smoking, etc, I all see as reasonable because there's no risk whatsoever of long term I'll effects, there's no significant cost involved, etc. I don't (personally) see a vaccine as a small request.

I'm not saying I disagree with you, just how I see those things differently.
@akeeda Oh I know! My issue is absolutely not with disagreeing or anything--everyone does what they feel like they need to for their kids.

I had something else I was going to add but I totally forgot it. If I remember I'll message you later.
@akeeda I love that you take this seriously and you know what? I agree 100% with you! Especially the peanut butter thing... oh for fuck's sake, you know? Yes, there's peanut butter in my house. If you're allergic to it, how about you don't spread it all over your body? =)

And dude, they totally are not for everyone. I tend to kind of scoff at people who think vaccines are "evil" and refuse them on the grounds of "but "/autism crazies (or my friend, who believes they're ways for the government to control you....yeaaaah), but there are absolutely valid, legitimate reasons to not get vaccines, or if you do, to spread them out over a longer period of time.

I think a lot of people forget that, or simply don't know any better. Most people buy into whatever mainstream media feeds them and they don't bother to read or research or have a mind of their own when it comes to stuff like this. To me, that's really just sad. =/

I mean, consider how you have to be your own advocate in health, and then look at your child. If something doesn't feel quite right, and it's your KID, why would you just assume everything is okay? I wouldn't. Only one person in this world is ever going to know my daughter's body almost as well as she does, and that's me. That's my job as her mom, and I take it seriously. =)

I think you're taking your job as mom seriously, too - you're making informed decisions and advocating for educated medical decisions. YES!!!
@akeeda You, and tiny babies, as well as other immunocompromised people, are the reason it's so important for most people to keep up on their immunizations.

It's now recommended by every single doctor I've seen that I do not allow anyone to touch my baby until it's had it's own shots if they don't get theirs, because whooping cough is becoming a huge issue again, because of how many anti-vaxxers there are. (This is why people are becoming militant about requiring the shot in the more recent years).

I am asking people in my family who are going to be around to check up on when they last had theirs and to please get an update if they need it and are going to be around my kid. Many of them live in areas where whooping cough is now an epidemic. Most of them are up to date, but it's no harm asking them to double check.

If anyone in my family, upon being asked, told me what you just said about vaccinations, it'd be a no-brainer. They aren't required to get it just to see the kid a few times.
@akeeda Yes, medically, it's always their right to choose.

It's my right, and most would argue my duty, to protect my child.

No one can be forced to get the vaccine. But I can keep them from having a lot of contact with my kid. Especially in epidemic areas of whooping cough.