Talk to me about how to get started


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I've read some information from various sources, but I'd like to get some ideas from you parents that have done any method of sleep training and found it to be successful.

My LO is 5 1/2 months old and over the past month, his sleep has gone from brag-worthy (6-7 hour stretches over night, excellent self soother) to who-are-you-and-what-did-you-do-with-my-baby (waking 5-6 times over the course of the night, sometimes to eat, sometimes because he is mad, etc).

We've tried a bunch of different approaches. Not offering breast/bottle, offering breast/bottle at every wake up, letting him cry for 5-10 minutes first, not getting him out of the crib, getting him out of the crib, singing, white noise, putting him in cooler pjs, putting him to bed earlier, putting him to bed later. Those are like just the ones I've tried this week, I know we've taken more approaches. And nothing is working.

He is generally okay at bedtime, except this week, but I think that's because of an upset in a routine (DH is sick and can't do his normal every other night bedtime duties). He'll get cranky between 6:30 and 7. He gets a bottle of pumped milk or formula and then we take him upstairs and do diaper, pjs, book and rocking. And then he goes in the crib, usually drowsy but awake. He's generally asleep within 10-20 minutes after a little bit of babbling, maybe some fussiness, but not full on crying.

It's the night waking that has been making me want to burst into tears. Last night, for example, he woke up at 11, 12:30 (ate), 1:45, 2:30, 4:15, and 5:55 (ate). I always try to soothe him first and he's gotten pretty good with making it clear when he's hungry vs. not hungry. And I don't have a problem getting up once or twice to feed or soothe him, especially when DH is not sick and we take turns, but this 6 times is k.i.l.l.i.n.g me. I don't know how much longer I can take it.

So, please, any advice would be helpful. Successful parents, how did you begin sleep training? What worked, what didn't? And how did you keep from going insane.
We've tried a bunch of different approaches... And nothing is working.

Red flag: you tried so so so many things in a month's time. We've all been there, desperately to find something that works. But, what works is consistency. Changing things up before you let it become the norm is not consistency. That's one of the crucial things to sleep training.

What worked, what didn't?

What works will vary from person to person, from baby to baby. Everyone is different. For me, it was Ferber. For others, it's CIO/Extinction. For others, it's the Sleep-Lady Shuffle. You need to figure out what will work for your personality and your needs. If you read through the sticky post at the top of the sub, you'll see why some of us started sleep-training and what method we used with success. But, again, it varies from person to person.

Successful parents, how did you begin sleep training?

The first step is making sure you have a good daytime schedule and bedtime routine. From the sounds of things, you have both... so good job!

Next, as mentioned above, you have to figure out what method will work best for you. In the sidebar, there is a link for "The Sleep-Training Cheat Sheet" - click it and read. It goes through the common sleep-training methods. See which sounds best for you. If you can't handle crying, then Ferber and Extinction (CIO) will not work for you. If you want something that doesn't take weeks, then the "disappearing chair" method won't work for you.

Once you figure out what method you want to use, get to it. Start on a Friday night. And, again... it's critical that you stay consistent. Giving up on the first night will make it take longer to get results, and will just frustrate you more. But, if you do cave on the first night... just try the next night... but consistency is key. If night 1 sucks... that's normal! Don't think you need to switch methods because you had one (or two, or five) not-perfect nights. It takes some time.

I really think that your baby will do really well with sleep-training for those nighttime wakings, especially since he seems to know how to put himself to sleep at bedtime - most parents' who come here to sleep train struggle with that... but your son seems like he's got the skills!
@gary1993 Thank you for the thorough reply!! I will definitely take a look at those resources; I didn't even realize they were there.

As far as trying a bunch of new things, I'm sure that didn't help. Let me clarify to say that the brunt of this was that at his 4 month appointment, our ped told us to change up some things we were doing (try and night wean, and don't let him fall asleep physically drinking the bottle). I think with those things we tried too much too soon and then he got all screwed up. I tried to revert for two weeks back to what exactly we were doing before the appointment and it didn't help, so I guess at that point, I was like, well let's just try some things and see what works.

Mostly, I feel bad for him because he is clearly sleepy. And doesn't know how to fix it.
@martaw While you're looking at the sidebar, check out the Night-Weaning section of links. Those may help you out as well! :) And of course, come back with any other questions!