Suggestions for short torso 5'3" C-section mom

@mshelia Caveat, I was militant about my ab workouts while pregnant. I was terrified of getting DR bc my sister had it really bad so I did standing ab workouts almost every day. Definitely helped my fast recovery. I'm pregnant again and haven't worked out once so I'm not expecting the same situation this time and will probably have to wait a little bit longer.
@mshelia 5’3” mom here, emergency Cesarean with my last. I started using a k’tan around the house after about 4 weeks. Was great! I don’t know if I could have done it sooner; was too scared to try.
@mshelia 3 weeks pp. baby was almost 9.5 lbs at birth and I tried so many different carriers. Anything wjth a band around the waist created too much downward pressure for me. I got a baby bjorn mini and it’s amazing. Would definitely recommend grabbing one. I got an open box off amazon.
@mshelia I used a stretchy wrap within the first few days after my c-section and it was totally fine (also 5'3"). The incision is so low and the wrap so high that there was no interference. I didn't do a ton of walking around with LO in the wrap until the second week, but started practicing for a few minutes here and there on day 4 or 5. I like that I could customize how the stretchy wrap fit , and tie it so the tails weren't rubbing my incision.
@mshelia I was wearing my second within a couple of weeks after his cesarean birth. I tried a ringsling thinking it would work well to keep him off the incision, but he hated it. We mostly used a lillebaby complete or a lillebaby dragonfly in the early days. I kept it high enough that it was off my lower abdomen.
@mshelia 2nd time csection mama here! I used a ring sling, Sakura Bloom scout and a stretchy wrap the first months. Now at 3 months I prefer my new hope&plum Lark - but it just now fits my baby. I did limit my baby wearing the first 8 weeks because every time I wore him my postpartum bleeding would come back for a day. I think it was hindering my placental wound from healing, but I was desperate during witching hour the first few weeks.

The ring sling didn’t cause bleeding, but it did cause me a lot of shoulder pain so there wasn’t really a good solution with the carriers I had available.