Stubborn Detergent Buildup


New member
So, I discovered we had a ton of detergent buildup due to using too much and also our washer probably never getting cleaned before we moved into this apartment. I did a bunch of empty, no detergent cycles in our washer with some vinegar, then I used Affresh. Then I did probably like 8 hot rinse cycles on all our prefolds and did swish tests until I was sure the buildup was gone.

Now I’m back to regular washing with less detergent and extra rinses. I’m swish testing a diaper before they go in the dryer, it’ll have no detergent. So I put them through the dryer, then test one again just to be sure, and sure enough, detergent.

I’m getting so frustrated with it and our impending high electric bill from all the hot water. I’m constantly running the washer. Like I’m about ready to give up, even though our blowouts are 10x worse in disposables.

My wash routine I landed on using’s guide is:

-8 diapers at a time plus covers and wipes, large load setting

-Warm rinse/spin cycle, no detergent

-hot regular cycle with half of line 1 (Kirkland UltraClean Free & Clear)

-Warm rinse/spin cycles until swish test shows no detergent

We have a GE Spacesaver w/d with a 1.5 cubic ft capacity. I haven’t tested our water but I think it’s pretty soft.
@danny2023 Number one flag for me is your load size is way too small for your water level. You need agitation to get the diapers clean. They need to be able to rub against each other in the wash cycle. Otherwise they’re just kind of swishing around not doing much.

I have the same style washer/dryer and live in a softish water area. My load cycle is every 3 days (about 20+ diapers, a mix of pockets and prefolds/covers plus wipes) and I wash on large load setting. First is a cold pre wash with line 1 Tide (I choose the whites cycles half cycle length), followed by the main wash (full whites cycle on hot with line 4 Tide), followed by extra rinse.
@danny2023 Can you take a photo of the ingredients panel of your detergent? Some detergents include ingredients that coat the fabric and are hard to wash out.

I havent seen any evidence that the swish test accuratley indicates that you have leftover detergent. Your current routine is calibrated around passing a swish test, but it sounds like this framework isnt working for you and is also leading to lots more rinsing than most of us have to do. (i do zero extra rinses and use line 5 of detergent with very soft water… no build up here)

Edit: I completely agree with @billthecableman that your wash routine sounds both weak and unlikely to result in detergent buildup. If you’re experience smells and stains, it’s probably built up waste/ammonia and not detergent. Diapers need two washes with detergent.
@cees Here’s an Imgur link to the ingredients. The only reason I suspected possible detergent buildup is because we had our first yeast rash, and when I went back to cloth (after thoroughly bleaching and waiting a good amount of time), she immediately got a rash again so I thought maybe it was from detergent in the clean diapers. Used disposables for a few more days until the rash went away and re-bleached (just in case) & rinsed the hell out of my diapers in the meantime. Currently back in cloth and so far so good, but what I’m currently doing is unsustainable lol.

Before the rash issue, I had been doing a warm soak in the washer for a couple hours, then pre wash with half of line 1, then a hot regular cycle with line 1, then a quick warm cycle with no detergent. Our washer is not full sized.

I don’t have any stains or smells, like there’s no ammonia/barnyard smells when she pees in them. Everything seemed okay until she got that yeast rash. I really think I bleached everything well enough and for long enough to kill all the yeast though.

I guess I’m just rinsing so much because I don’t want her to get another rash again and I thought it was probably because of the detergent.
@danny2023 The yeast rash sounds so disheartening.

My mind goes to wondering why bleaching didn’t prevent the rash from returning. For the bleaching, was the bleach freshly purchased? Bleach degrades from the moment it’s produced and it’s not reliable after about 6 months.

I don’t see any concerning ingredients (sodium cocoate) which is great. I wonder if this detergent just isn’t strong enough to remove whatever is in the diapers; would you be willing to try Tide F+G which is a bit stronger?

Lastly, I would add detergent back to your first wash. With your small washer line 1 is probably fine. Buildup is rare because you’d notice it during your wash! You’d see lots of suds in the washer during rinsing, and you’d feel slickness on the diapers after the pre wash and the main wash if any was left behind (like when detergent gets on your hand and you have to really rub them together for the slimy feeling to go away).
@cees The bleach was brand new so no worries there. Maybe the second rash was just a coincidence and/or my baby just has sensitive skin like me?

I was thinking maybe I need to try the Tide F+G. Just sad Costco doesn’t carry it lol

Thank you so much! I see your comments all the time on this sub and I was hoping you’d help me lol.
@danny2023 Hahaha washing diapers is my mom hobby so I'm happy to put our heads together on this!

Another avenue to pursue - this is a traditional top-loader, just real tiny. What is the water-to-item level when you wash the diapers? Is it most like a chili, stew, or soup?
@cees I really enjoyed washing my diapers before the damn yeast and now I’m all worried about her little butt!

I was just reading about the chili vs stew vs soup earlier on clean cloth nappies. I think before the rash, when I was using more detergent, I was probably overfilling like chili to get them all done at once. Then recently, when I was trying the cloth diapers for beginners method, it was definitely soupy. Next wash I’m going to try for the middle ground.
@teagranny Maybe? Either that or maybe the buildup is inconsistent in a load, and I’m just happening to test one that got it all rinsed out before drying? Like maybe only some diapers in a load are getting buildup? Idk 🫠
@danny2023 I would look at the clean cloth nappies guidance instead. You need a two part wash system, with detergent. Detergent build up isn't a real thing, I would carefully read through their website and then you can submit them questions if you still have them on their FB page
@billthecableman I guess I don’t mean buildup necessarily, but there’s definitely detergent I’m having a very hard time rinsing out of my prefolds. I’ll check out that website, thank you. It’s confusing because there’s at least a handful of legit online resources, and they all seem like they have very different guidance.
@danny2023 I am! The only parts behind the paywall are for bleach sanitizing and for AUS/NZ/UK advice. You can get their wash routine info for free. I have followed their routines from day 1 and would happily eat off my cleaned diapers.