@cindlee Newborn stage was HARD! Same thoughts went through my head! It does pass but it’s hard while you’re going through it at the moment. Stay strong you got this!
@holypath I am 32 and currently pregnant with my first. I brought it up to my doctor, fully expecting pushback and he said "ok, we just need to go over consent paper work at your next appointment".
@holypath i got mine at 21 first child two months ago ! (i do wholeheartedly regret it though) just keep stating how much you want it be persistent! and find another provider if they refuse to do it. Goodluck ! ❤️
@neo_ocelot Thank you so much for sharing. If it isn't too invasive, would you mind elaborating on why you regret it? It might help some people who are lukewarm on it consider another perspective. If it's too personal, please do not feel the need to share!
@holypath I’m sorry your wishes aren’t being respected. If you can’t find a provider I would recommend a copper IUD for you and a vasectomy for your partner. Combined those things would equal the effectiveness of sterilization.
@holypath I am not a fan of the childfree subreddit but they have a really great list of providers by state or country that are willing to do sterilization procedures without any shaming or questions.
@thenoizmaker I am! He said he’d stand there and tell them he doesn’t want a vasectomy even though he’s said he’d do it after seeing how unfair it is for me to have to jump through all these hoops. But now it’s also a little but of me pushing back and demanding to get WHAT I WANT. It should not be this hard.