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Has anyone been successful with getting their tubes tied after the first child.
I’m a 29 y/o F and I have my appointment with my OB next Thursday. I have been told no many times. I know for a fact in my heart I don’t want anymore children and my husband is on board. I guess I’m looking for tips and suggestions so they don’t give me the run around. Yes husband can get vasectomy but this is about me and what I want for myself
@holypath Yes I just had mine done. I had my son 5 days ago and had the tubal at the hospital. I was asked several times if I was sure but I had midwife that kept standing up for me. I just turned 30.
@katrina2017 I had a wonderful midwife deliver my baby girl and the obstetricians I was seeing were all VERY open to my ideas and natural choices. I am hoping it goes well. My primary care doctor was grilling me with questions that she said were common. I just figured with me turning 30 in a couple months it wouldn’t be as hard but my primary care physician made it seem like it was going to be harder
@holypath I think 30s sounds a lot less scary to a doctor than 20s. I would keep repeating that you do not want another baby. I mean I kept “reminding” them over and over at the hospital and somehow it still kept not being charted. Shit I was in the OR and I still told them
to do it 🤣🤣🤣
This is what I want to do too! Don't feel like you have to answer if this is too personal, but did you have a vaginal birth and then get the tubal afterwards or was it a c section situation? How is recovery from that?
I had planned a tubal after vaginal but ended up needing an emergency c section after pushing for hours. They can do a tubal after vagina 8 hours after delivery.

Anyways I’ve had a very easy recovery so far. I started walking asap
@leopold425 Yep, I just had an appointment today with someone recommended on this list and I was amazed by how little pushback I got! She stated a few times that it was permanent, but that was basically it. Didn't ask me to justify it or give me any what-if scenarios. Mentioned vasectomies, but didn't ask why we weren't doing that instead. I've had more pushback asking a hairdresser to cut my hair short, haha. Surgery scheduled for early September!!
@holypath Sorry you have to go through this. So you are forced to have a baby if you get pregnant, but can't make the choice to have your tubes tied to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Are you in the US?
@holypath If you have a family history of breast cancer, ovarian cancer…basically cancer of the reproductive organs, you may be a candidate for getting your tubes tied.

It really sucks that it’s so difficult to get done. I hope you are successful. Good luck!
@holypath I had my daughter when I was 26. I asked about sterilization maybe two years after and was told no. Every time I’ve seen my obgyn after I’ve mentioned us not wanting more children. She finally told me when I asked back in May that I could come in for counseling for it. It got put on the back burner a bit when my daughter got strep then had a lingering cough, etc (life happened basically), but I finally have my appointment set for August 4th. I’m gonna ask for a bilateral salpingectomy tho. I want them bitches out completely and would love if she took the uterus too so I wouldn’t have periods. I’ll settle for the bs tho.
@katrina2017 In regards to a period, you could request info on uterine ablation. Chemically cauterize the uterus so the lining can’t grow anymore. Depending on age some docs won’t do it (not in an evil way, just that the lining can regrow if you’re young enough).
@holypath I live in Virginia and had my first and only at the age of 33. I had to have a planned C-section and requested my tubes be removed during the birth.

Every physician that was involved in my case asked if I was sure. No issues other than that.
@holypath Yes, I got a bilateral salpingectomy in June when my baby was five months old. I live in one of the unfriendliest states regarding these health rights, but I wasn’t given the run around. I simply had to tell them several times in the same conversation that I was sure.
@holypath 30F go to the appointment with answers to all the shit they'll ask. Yes, you've considered long term BC, you'd rather have this. Yes, you know you're at the top end of the "regret" issue (women between 20 and 30 I think are likely to regret it) but you have thought this over and will not. Yes, your husband agrees. Yes you understand that it is likely NOT reversible.
@achduke This is perfect! My primary care physician went as far as asking me what I would do if my daughter passed. I told her I’d throw myself into oblivion before trying for another kid
@holypath Like does she not know adoption is an option? That you can't replace your child with another? That you probably wouldn't be thinking of going through pregnancy and labor when you are grieving your dead fucking child? What the actual fuck? I would have lost my ever loving shit
@achduke Oh I did I told her I didn’t understand why she would even say that while I was holding my 10mnth old. Like really?!? That’s your argument that’s going to make me change my mind