Stay at home mother entitlement

I wanted to comment again. Can you all afford daycare ? The 7 and 6 year old will be starting school soon right ? They won’t be able to sleep in anymore and will need a normal schedule
@wasblindbutnowisee Wow man, from the title to the comments you make I don’t know where to even start with you. Sounds like you in fact are the entitled one. What makes you feel like you deserve rest when it sounds as if she doesn’t get any. You very obviously have no idea the role of a stay at home parent. I’m appalled at the way you think you’re above your significant other? The way you easily said if you do more around the house she get to do less? It’s your house too right? Those kids are yours correct? You don’t get cut slack because you work.
@builtbyhislove She sleeps 10 hrs a day…. I’m not here to argue with people who think I’m wrong, but you better believe I deserve rest. I can’t believe you actually commented that. Everyone’s assuming she’s blowing her back out working as my slave day in and day out. Lol assumptions kill, friend. Yes it’s my home too, that’s why I pay for it. Yes, they are my children, that’s why I feed them, clothe them and love them. I mean, cmon…use your head.
@wasblindbutnowisee And how do you know she sleeps 10 hours day if you are at work? You truly don’t know exhausted until you’re a stay at home mother. Do you ever assume your kids awake with night mares or sickness during the middle of the night? Or if she lays awake a night worried if she did enough for them today? Let me just ask this, who takes care majority of the house and the kids? Who does doctors appointments and school meetings? Pickup/drop off? How about the grocery shopping or even cooking? Baths? Cleaning up dishes and endless task of everyday life of having kids. Sounds like you just came here for validation that she’s wrong and you aren’t. Not opinions. You do deserve rest, I take that back but she does too. I’m not taking about sleeping either I’m talking about being seen as more then just a mother. she deserves gratitude and most importantly your support.
@wasblindbutnowisee That is not the way to be a stay-at-home parent. She’s taking advantage of you. Set her straight. This is straight up lazy. Not to mention bad parenting.

I was a SAHM until recently. I would never have even thought to do this nonsense. But then again, I respect my husband. She, apparently, does not. You need to change that.
@wasblindbutnowisee I was a stay at home mom for a while and I agree I think SAHMs get entitled. Especially if they've never worked. Having done both I completely understood the exhaustion felt by coming home after a 12hr shift and being expected to do more. It's almost impossible because you literally have zero energy left. People always blame the working partner, but the SAHM made a choice as well, and especially w 3 kids. They know kids aren't easy, and staying home w 3 is going to be hard. So why do people never place any accountability on them for deciding to have more children they have to stay home with? I agree its her job and she needs to have a routine w them. A lot of times, when kids are hard to deal with, it's because the parent doesn't have any sort or routine, rules, or structure. So she needs to work on implementing that. Also do you have family or anyone the kids could go stay w for a few hours so she could get a small break? That way no extra responsibility is placed on you after working so much, but she gets a break?
@wasblindbutnowisee I just gotta say, I know what you mean by “never had a job” but it’s important to remember looking after kids is a job, and three of them is one hell of a job. I feel you on how exhausted you must be from your work. I have done 12 hour shifts overnight and it was pretty brutal. But that being said, taking care of even just one 3 year old is probably the most emotionally demanding and exhausting job I have ever had. So I get where she is coming from being in sort of survival mode. I can see if you are worried about them developing bad habits and you want to try and set them on a better course; that is fair. Also, if them sleeping in your bed is causing any issues for you, then it is fair to want to address this as well. But I think you just have to come at it from a place of understanding that she is also probably tired and really trying to do what works so she can be the best possible mom to them. I think you guys should talk about it but maybe try to approach it from the perspective of being worried about setting them up with good habits so they can be more happy and successful in the long run. Don’t come at it from a position where you’re accusing her of being lazy or entitled or something because then she will shut down and not want to have a productive convo. Good luck.