So unmotivated and sad


New member
My baby is three months old. I am the heaviest I have ever been at 5”0 and 155lbs. Pre pregnancy i was 110-115. I had two babies 21 months apart so I try to give myself grace (both C-sections) but I’m so frustrated and sad and unmotivated.

He only contact naps so I’m on the couch the majority of the day. I tried to just lower my calories to 1500 but that didn’t help. I try to walk a few times a week for 30 min and I get usually 6-8k steps on a normal non walking day

So I started intermittent fasting this week but I just feel like I can’t lose anything until I’m way more active and I can’t be active being nap trapped but I’m also trying to appreciate the contact naps because it’s my last baby. It’s a bad loop.

I’m hopeful at four months or so we can start having less contact naps and I can have time to workout during naps but I’m also just feeling so defeated. I have at minimum 40 pounds to lose and it feels nearly impossible.

My diet is already great. Lean proteins, lots of protein, healthy (lots of avocado, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese etc)

Just a rant or vent I guess
@aristilis Will your baby sleep in a carrier? My baby also only contact naps but she loves baby wearing and that’s how I get a lot of my steps.
@wint I have a momcozy wrap but I really don’t like it at all and baby doesn’t like it either. I’ve heard a woven wrap may be better so I’m going to look into that but I think he may wake if jossled around
@aristilis I just wanna say i feel your pain and you are not alone… i just had my third baby five months ago and i am 22lbs over my initial weight. It’s hard and it is sad at times, when you look in the mirror and don’t recognize yourself…
But it’s ok, it took 9 months to gain it would take at least 9 months to lose. Don’t forget to enjoy this time as hard as it is it will pass ..
@jody I know this is all so true it’s just so tough. With my last I didn’t start to lose until 11 months pp then got pregnant again so I definitely don’t recognize myself at all. I don’t even know who I am. I’m mostly just tired of feeling so crappy due to being so heavy
@aristilis Hi! 2 kiddos youngest is 2.5 and I’m 35lbs over pre pregnancy. I work a ton and haven’t been able to carve out time to work out. You aren’t alone. I try to remember my body did an incredible thing (twice!) but it’s really hard. Hugs
@aristilis I wish I could give you a hug! You should be so proud of doing so much in such a short time. Your hormones haven’t even had a chance to regulate nor have you had any normal sleep for such a prolonged period of time! Nursing also makes you so hungry and exhausted all the time. I didn’t try to lose weight the first year bc I was so gd tired, but was able to get out and be more active once my baby was sleeping better (also had my husband do more night feeds). I barely had energy to go for a walk but getting outside helped a lot, even little walks, and it got easier over time. Sending lots of naps your way!
@aristilis This feeling is the worst and I know it all too well. I can say that walking and trying to increase your steps (aim to get to 10-12k a day over a course of a few weeks) and maintaining a calorie deficit even over weekends will work. It’s just so hard and you’re only 3 months post partum so sleep is probably not steady yet. I know someone else also suggested a baby carrier, if you can, there are baby carrier workouts on YouTube I’ve done. Even 15-20 mins a day counts. The only thing you can do is keep pushing forward … you got this!!
@aristilis I could have written this but currently 7 months PP and 21 month gap. I found baby wearing a game changer second time round in overcoming being stuck in the nursing chair for contact naps and having to chase after a toddler. I used the ergo baby embrace and moby wrap, highly recommend ergo embrace and there are many for sale in barely used condition on marketplace. The movement helped rock Bub to sleep like in the
womb and he slept longer for his naps also as he still felt close to mum.

I was back to pre baby weight by now with my first but this second time round has been a struggle. No advice just solidarity. 3 months is incredibly soon, give yourself some more time and just enjoy the snuggles a little longer if it doesn’t work out. This is just a season and will pass :)
@aristilis Are you breastfeeding ?
I lost the pregnancy weight very fast the first months (my baby only wanted to be put to sleep thru intense rocking (squat, stepjacks, leg curls with baby)

butttt I held on to the last 10-15 lbs, no matter what i did. Tried reducing calories, intermittent fasting + more workouts, just didnt matter.

When I weaned I lost everything in the span of like 3 weeks without doing anything.
@aristilis Any chance you’re not eating enough? I know sometimes, especially when breastfeeding, your body true to hold onto weight if it thinks it’s being underfed.
@aristilis Your babies only 3 months, even with good diet and daily movement it takes time to start seeing weight loss, especially with changing hormones.

I feel the exact defeated way you do, but hang in there girl - enjoy those adorable naps, keep taking care of yourself yourself, you’re doing great. Be patient and take a nap too!