So g-d thirsty


New member
I drink water all day, but come 7pm, I need to chug endless ounces of ice water. Really perfect right before going to bed. Anyone else?
@markstrimaran Well, you’re going to be up all night peeing anyways. Might as well be hydrated. I’ve been the same way this pregnancy. My ice water drinking game is way better than prepregnancy. Also, try mixing in electrolytes just in case that’s what your body is craving. Ice cold coconut water is good and full of potassium.
@markstrimaran oh man...pregnancy is a long endless of desert of cracked lips and dry itchy throats. If you drink water that is warmer you might absorb faster - it's a thing I learned living in the desert without ac, don't drink cold water. Drink gallons of nasty warm water to help get hydrated and keep hydrated longer.
@sinless Same. I wake up to my mouth being like the Sahara and it’s so aggravating because me being dehydrated is why I woke up. Add insomnia to that and not being able to ever fall back asleep and I’m one cranky, sleep-deprived momma everyday:
@markstrimaran Yep, extreme thirst was actually my first pregnancy symptom. 4 weeks 2 days is when I noticed it. And at 39 weeks 4 days today, I'm still drinking 3+ liters of water a day, with even more intense thirst at night. I used to HATE water before pregnancy, now I feel like a glass of ice water is a huge treat because I mostly drink from a metal water bottle at room temp.
@markstrimaran Excessive thirst is a sign of gestational diabetes, i had every symptom so got tested early at 24 weeks instead of 28 weeks. Speak to your midwife about a test just incase
@serllpcb I was going to say this too. Also, craving ice can be a sign of anemia, which can be caused by high blood sugar. It’s a good idea to get checked, but hopefully you’re just thirsty! 😉
@serllpcb Yup, I was going to mention this as well 👍 While drinking lots of water is perfectly fine and a common craving in pregnancy, it is still a very common symptom of gestational diabetes. Just bring it up to your doctor and keep an eye out for other signs 💝
@katrina2017 I am currently 32 weeks so I'm not trying to worry people at all I'm giving factual information that I have also recently learnt. Pregnancy itself is a worry that is why we come to places like reddit to get help from people who have been there, the mumma posting this wouldn't have posted if she didn't want advice
Also I have gestational diabetes and I didn't know anything about it until I got it, I'm not just saying random things
@markstrimaran Heck, I drink water throughout the whole night too!

You need even more water too if you're active, like going for walks, tending to chores and such.

My OB recommended drinking about 2.5 liters of water per day.