Sluggish and easily winded

@justindesiree I'm 7 weeks and I lifted heavy 3-5 times a week for a decade pre pregnancy. Ive lifted like 4 times since I found out and I just got so winded vacuuming I had to lay down 😂 it's uncomfortable but it's very normal. I've had the reflux too, if you haven't asked your doc about a daily antacid it's helped me so far.
@justindesiree 35 FTM here. I also worked out most days before pregnancy. Most of the first trimester I was like that! Squemish amd easily winded. I'm in 2nd tri and still easily winded but I have more energy. Hoping the same happens to you!
@justindesiree First trimester is tough! I workout more now in the late third trimester than I did in the first 😅 don’t be too hard on yourself, you’ll feel better soon and have a cute lil bump to show for it!!!
@justindesiree No advice, just solidarity here at 9 weeks feeling the same way at 37 years old! My 5-day per week gym schedule is now like 1.5 days, with a couple weeks skipped entirely. When I do go, I’m doing half or less of the weight I was lifting before and even then I have to stop in the middle of sets to catch my breath! Or I do about half the planned workout and quit. It’s like becoming instantly out of shape. I’m just trying to take it in stride, reminding myself that it’s all okay and temporary.
@justindesiree You’ve just got a few more weeks to go and you will likely feel like a curtain has been lifted! Just be patient with yourself.

My doctor told me that the energy expenditure of a pregnant woman during rest is nearly that of a person completing an iron man (she cited a study so it must be true).
@justindesiree Same girl, same. I was training for a 1/2 marathon when I realized I was pregnant, and my last run was a struggle fest that I had to cut down to 4 miles…a month ago now. I’m 10 weeks and I just got winded CLEANING MY FLOOR! 😭😭

Some days when I’m feeling ok, I try to do a light prenatal workout, but I almost always throw up soon after. I don’t think it’s actually beneficial because then I feel awful the rest of the day.

Try to take walks, if you feel up to it. I feel like I’ve lost all of my fitness, but I’m hoping that things will get better in a few weeks when I hit 2nd trimester. Honestly, motivating to take a walk is really tough too… Try not to be hard on yourself! You are doing a great job growing a human even though it feel like such a drastic change in activity.
@justindesiree Yup. Ultramarathoner with crazy abs when i got pregnant. Weeks6 to 9 i slept 10 hours-15 hrs a day including snoozing on lunch and my 15 minute breaks. I wfh 4 days a week but even once on my office day i fell asleep at my desk (even though i sit on a yoga ball for a chair- without that hoop to stabilize it)

Listen to your body and get sleep❤️i worked out only once or twice a week that month.
One thing that rocked was i have my bike on a trainer for the winter and would take my meetings on that.

I was happy when my energy came back because its the most effective way to get my digestion going and that can be a PROBLEM🥶
@justindesiree First trimester collapsed me completely.

I did 0 exercise and spent at least 7 weeks in bed (in medical leave since I could not even drag myself to shower, not to mention to work) not moving dying inside.

Second trimester arrived and now I workout almost daily and I bounce joyfully through my day with tons of energy and good mood. I strongly suggest to not push yourself at all and do exactly what your body asks. It is smarter than you ;-)

And will reward you if you give it exactly what it needs, but truly.

Which might mean nothing right now. Or just a walk.
@justindesiree Take it easy on yourself. I was good for nothing in my 1st tri. I maybe worked out 2-3x a week at super low intensity. Normally working out up to 5-6x a week. There were even times I would quit my workouts in the middle of it bc I didn’t have it in me at all.

I did feel better when I made myself workout, 30min max. I couldn’t last more than that. The days I pushed myself too much, I did notice I was tired and useless the rest of the day. So I def needed to pull back.

Like many others, I got my energy back by 2nd tri. Milking it as much as I can.
@justindesiree Don’t beat yourself up. I felt so demoralized seeing my squats way down when I could finally get back to them. For me, I felt so much better pretty much as soon as second trimester started. The weights came back with a few weeks of getting back to it and I’m slowly working on my cardio, which is totally shot (it sucks! But it will be ok). My understanding is that it’s totally normal. Do what you can to feel good and don’t sweat the rest until later :)