Sleeping through the night


New member
If you’re exclusively nursing and your baby is sleeping through the night, how often are they nursing throughout the day? My 4.5 mo old slept from 8:30-7:15 last night for the first time. He normally wakes 1-3 times and feeds, so I was shocked when I woke up at 7 and he was still asleep. Just concerned about him getting enough to gain weight if he continues to sleep this much as we do bedtime around 8-8:30. I don’t want to push bedtime later as I have to wake up at 4:30 for work 2-3 times a week and I work 12 hr shifts, so it makes for a very long day for me. I’m not concerned about his intake on days I work because I can obviously see how much he eats, but when I’m home with him we exclusively nurse.

Any advice is appreciated!
@afx27 My 4month old often sleeps from 9pm-5-6am. He usually does 7-9 feeds a day.

The time drop is really helpful to hear about!
Just a few days ago he went from 16min feeds to 8mins, and it freaked me out!
@afx27 My 5 month old has been sleeping from bedtime to wakeup since he was about 3-3.5 months old. We usually nurse 5-6 times a day (used to be 5, but things have gotten wonky with the 4-3 nap transition, so I'm doing a top-up feeding before second nap and/or just before bed, depending on when his naps started/ended.

Total time nursing in a day is usually an hour and 20 to an hour and 30 minutes.
@psumoose This is super helpful thank you!! I also appreciate you including the total nursing time. As he’s gotten older his nursing time has dropped from 2.5-3 hrs to roughly an hour and 45 minutes.

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