Sleep stretch (4-2-1-1-1-1) - 3 month old

My 3-month-old baby started stretching the first sleep at night to 4-4.5 hours. This happened around 5 weeks old and was a big relief. However, after this initial stretch, he wakes up almost every hour and sometimes it is difficulty to make him fall back to sleep. Any tips on what can be done?

When he wakes up, we check his diaper, rock him, and try to put him back to sleep. If that doesn't work, we breastfeed him, which helps him fall asleep.. Thank you!
@goldenangeleyes23 This sounds like it could be the start of your baby’s sleep cycles beginning to mature (the stage of baby sleep development that people commonly refer to as the 4 month regression, which can happen as early as 3 months). I’d recommend checking out the book Precious Little Sleep for some tips on how to help baby start to learn independent sleep and how to avoid common sleep associations (e.g., feeding to sleep) that can disrupt baby’s sleep! Most local libraries carry a copy of the book