Single dads. How do you do it?


New member
I’ve been a single dad for almost 2 years now. If it wasn’t for my parents helping with childcare I’d be completely broke. How do you guys do it? I’ve seen super lean, happy and healthy single dads. I’d like to be that for my daughter.

My relationship breakdown took quite the toll on my mind and body. My toddler makes every day worth it though.

For context I’m a U.K. dad.
@emily120709 Yea so... I look pretty put together. I make decent money, I am there when I need to be. But this is far from reality.

Reality is that I am a fucking lunatic. I drink too much, I yell too much, I am on the verge of losing it every moment. Literally, I dont have 10 people I can call to help my son with his homework poll. (So I posted it to daddit.) Really I am far from it.

So don't feel bad. We don't do it any better.
@emily120709 Much if it is a good support network. It’s hard to go it purely alone. If you have other family to help out, it’s much more manageable, and it’s rare to find a single parent without at least one other person supporting them in some way
@emily120709 I’m not even a single dad and sometimes it feels like I’m an utter disaster. I’ve found that the best thing I can do for my kids is to just tell them that I love them no matter what. All the other stuff matters of course but just loving/supporting them endlessly is what they really need.
@emily120709 Been a single dad for a year now. No family close by, so I'm doing it all on my own. I usually get about a half of a day to my self per week. I can't give you any advise or tell you it gets better, but just want to let you know you're not alone in what you're going through.
@emily120709 A combination of loving parents who were willing to help when I first became a solo dad and forcing myself through shit on the power of love and spite.

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