@ipurr2 My little sister was an incredibly mean child with anger issues. She was a toddler and would hit me with things, which I suppose is toddler behavior. But I remember once she wanted to play on something my mom hadn’t set up yet. She started throwing books and plastic chairs at me.
We got older and she was bigger than me. She’d bully me. Hit me, grab my by the throat, pinch me. I had enough one day and tried to fight her and she finally left me alone. But she’d tell my mom all the time she was gonna come home and I’d be dead.
We got closer in our older years but when she met her bf, who was her husband for awhile, then she divorced, but is now back with and has a six month old with, distance grew between us. I tried to be there for her best I could during her pregnancy and not comment on her situation because I knew it was a sensitive subject.
After the baby was born he quit his job, which all I said was silly to not have another lined up since they had a baby on the way. She got mad. Got mad awhile back because I was worried she had planned on moving off with him if he could keep a job, get a place, and pay bills. I asked what would happen if she got there and he quit and also mentioned her having no outside support. She was pissed.
She also doesn’t like it I’m back in contact with our mother. We were nc for several years mostly over past trauma and me not being able to handle it at the time. We’re in a good place now. Like my mom even came and stayed with me after my bilateral salpingectomy to help out. But my sister is so jealous over it. She got in a in argument awhile back with our mom and said I was the favorite child, which is something that stems back to our childhood. I thought we were past all that.
She also lied to our mom that my husband was never home and I was unhappy, which was really offensive. Had me thinking our parents were drinking when her infant was in their care, which wasn’t true. Just a bunch of lies.
Overall, I love my sister and want the best for her but after all that I keep her at arms length because of her resentment for me. I haven’t even told her my husband has been working away from home for the first time ever since she’s already lied about our relationship. I don’t wanna be hurt further so it’s better this way.