Should I pull toddler out of daycare?

@frank12 Effectively yes.

If you think of viruses like genres in a library - when your child gets one type of, say, adenovirus, it’ll be all symptoms go for the first strain (high temp, nausea, sickness and diarrhoea) and they’ll have some short-term immunity that will wear off over a few months, but the system has stored the knowledge of this virus in its very cells. Therefore, 6 months later when they get another strain of adenovirus, the immune system has cells experienced in dealing with this genre of viruses and responds with this knowledge. It might not be exactly the same, but there’s enough similarities that knowledge of one can be applied to the other. So maybe this time it’s just a mild upset tummy for a few days.

Most people have a relatively fine functioning immune system. That includes young children, but because they’re meeting everything for the first time, they take it full force for a while. They also often have co-infections which can make it feel extra harsh. If vaccine uptake is high in your area and your 6 month old isn’t knowingly immunocompromised, I wouldn’t worry too much about any of this. You mention the MMR, but that’s the point of vaccination - it’s not just about personal protection, it’s about societal protection. The chances of your baby getting measles from their vaccinated sister, who is mingling with other vaccinated children, is exceptionally low. That’s herd immunity at work.
@his_word_is_truth That makes a lot of sense. That's definitely something to consider. Kids in daycare must be up to date with vaccinations where I live, otherwise they cannot enrol. I don't think my infant is immunocompromised. How would I find out?!
@frank12 Your baby has been exposed to viruses and bacteria every day of their life so far. If they haven’t been regularly or severely sick from interacting with your older child at this point, I think you’re safe to assume they aren’t immunocompromised.

My son was 14 months when he started childcare and from October-March he had 15 separate illnesses. It was relentless, and I was convinced he must be immunocompromised. After a follow up from his paediatrician who was mildly bemused, I was informed that unless he was being hospitalised, or being put on heavy doses of antibiotics frequently, then there wasn’t anything to worry about. I was told pre-covid children in childcare had on average 8 viral and 1 bacterial illness per year - post covid they’ve seen that shoot up to 14-16 viral illnesses and 2-3 bacterial illnesses.
@frank12 Info: Are you nursing your 6mo?

If so, it’s my understanding that it’s pretty ideal from an immune system perspective to get sick with childhood illnesses now and get antibody support from your breastmilk to fight it off and get a strong immune system built from exposure. If not, it’s probably a bit of a toss up from the science side which way to go.
@frank12 if you’re both sick with the same thing, then your body will absolutely be teaching hers how to fight it through your milk especially if you’re latching her and not exclusively pumping. to my knowledge (to answer another comment question) human milk contains a spectrum of antibodies from the lactating parent’s immune system which includes viruses and bacteria. of course nursing isn’t a replacement for medicine, and isn’t a catch-all for boosting baby’s immune system.
@cmuskwa I'm sure my toddler gave me what she had but my symptoms seem better than hers (mostly sore throat), but let's see how I feel tomorrow. My infant is ok actually (for now). She's teething so I thought she was getting sick but it could actually be from that.
@frank12 Anything you’re doing to help ease teething symptoms will probably help a sore throat too! good luck and hang in there. i know it’s tough. in the immortal words from bluey, “you’re doing great” 😊
@frank12 My understanding is that for the constant stream of daycare illnesses, the only way out is through. Or at least that’s what I’ve been telling myself for the last 2 years with my almost-3y old! I’d take the hit now while you have extra help available. 6m is out of the really early vulnerable time, and I saw they’re going to have their 6m vaccines soon.
@starsandthemoon It’s hard. We’re all sick right now! It’s been a week and day 4 was the peak for my daughter and I’m in the middle of it. There’s no such thing is rest for me right now. My infant is just getting sick… I’m praying she’ll be ok.