Shallow and short-lived latch


New member
I’m six days postpartum. I have been pumping and attempting breast-feeding. However, my LO does not like the breast. She will attempt to latch, suck 5 to 6 times, and then pulls away with a grimacing face. After one or two tries on each breast of this, she gets very frustrated.

I’ve tried different things like using the Haka and hand expressing to stimulate the letdown, tried giving a little bottle before breast-feeding to take the edge off, tried a nipple shieldhowever, we have the same same results. I’m using a Crossbody hold and football hold with C and V shapes support from my hand to help the breast and latch with no luck.

Will this get better?

When I pump for 30 minutes I can get 80 mL of milk, so I know there’s enough there, she just prefers the swim up bar from the womb.
@charissev I’m in the same boat and I’m losing it. I’m trying not to over think it because I’m pumping and she’s a good eater. I wish she would take the breast