Seeing Movement Outside Of Stomach?

@lone_disciple Exact same weight as you with an anterior placenta and yes! I have a video from 30 weeks along where you can see movement. It’s more of a jiggling rather than seeing a foot or a hand push across. (I can still feel the limbs)

I remember having the same worries until I saw a video of someone my size where you could see movement. I always had thought that that would be something I would never experience but I’m wrong. My husband has even seen it from across the room.
I still even now look down when I feel him moving a lot. I love feeling it and seeing it. 😊
@burtman725 This makes me so happy to hear! I’m constantly thinking about how he may not get to experience any of it due to my size. I cannot even tell you the excitement I feel at the thought that he’ll get to experience it too!
@lone_disciple My pre pregnancy weight was a bit higher than yours, 36 weeks currently and I had the same worries, but around 32/33!weeks I was started to see movement on the outside, no hands/feet pushing out (which I'm a bit thankful for because it sounds a bit gross! 😅) it is more rippling or jerky twitches, when I first noticed it I was obsessed with watching my tummy move.

I have got a posterior placenta but would think it would happen for those with anterior too!
@lone_disciple omg we are the same height weight weeks and everything 😂😂😂 i’ve been able to see some little kicks on my upper belly when he’s in the right position. my placenta is whatever the orientation is that makes it hard to see some movement. but i think ive been lucky! fingers crossed we both get some crazy movement videos!
@lone_disciple I am taller and was about the same weight. I saw movement outside of my stomach around 27-28w. It wasn’t like a full hand print or something you see in the movies. Just a bulge, most likely where his head was.
@lone_disciple Anterior placenta here! 30wks. 5'2" now 245. I can see outside movement. It's not like I can see a handprint or feet or limbs but I can see some part move side to side or roll I'm assuming her butt, plus kicks.
@lone_disciple I’m 5’11 and about 250 right now at 29w (started at 230ish). I def have a cushion of fat over my bump and was able to see slight movement around 22-23w and now can very clearly see movement through even my clothes when baby is particularly active
@lone_disciple I carry so much weight in my stomach because of PCOS. Like barely any fat in my legs and arms, all belly, I hate it. I was around 250 (got more towards 270 during pregnancy). I saw movement later (like 26-28 weeks), but god, I saw so much, and have tons of video. I could even see him practice breath and hiccup from the outside.
@lone_disciple 5'3, 270 lbs with a b belly, 30+6. I can see little bumps when she really gets going, I have for about the last two weeks. I can't see limbs or butt or anything, but the little bumps are still pretty cute ☺️
@lone_disciple 37 weeks today and yes I've seen movement!!! Maybe about week 31 or 32??
I can't remember for sure but I can definitely see my belly jump ! It's pretty cool and kind of wierd. I also thought I'd be too big to see anything so I was surprised.
Should say I am also 5'3" but I weigh 365.
@lone_disciple I just checked my phone and I have videos of my belly from mid September and I was due mid December, so I had a good 3 months+ of movement visible from the outside.

It started like little ripples but by the end when she was much bigger it was very obvious. She even kicked my cat a few times when he would try and sit on my tummy
@lone_disciple I’m 5’7” and 260 currently and have an anterior placenta and I saw her from the outside at 21weeks. Currently 23w. But it is intermittent still. Granted her fave thing to kick is my cervix. I can consistently feel her from the outside and I’m sure my husband could but the idea freaks him out.