Second child name suggestions for mispronounced surname


New member
I’m currently 15 weeks pregnant with our second child. The period between our 12 week dating scan and our 20 week scan where we can find out the baby’s gender seems to feel never ending this time round.
With our first child we had lots of name suggestions by now and ones we were keen on. I remember leaving the hospital after our scan finding out we were having a Son and my husband and I looking at each other and saying our son’s name for the first time as a decider that we were both set on.

Our son’s name is Nathan and we have an unusual/commonly mispronounced surname. So I’m looking for boy and girl names that are A) not too popular and common (so there aren’t 5 of the same name in his school classes etc), B) Aren’t so unusual that people don’t want to tackle pronouncing it either. And also C) names that go well with our Son’s name. Gahhhh! As you can see, we need all the help we can get!
Thanks in advance x