safe sleep 7


New member
im a mom of two (3 week old girl, 4 year old boy) and sleep has been nonexistent. im exclusively breastfeeding my newborn daughter, she nurses to sleep and also for comfort lots of nights. i heard about safe sleep 7 and it seems like it would be my best option to get myself the rest i do desperately need right now. overheating is my main concern with cosleeping, im a very light sleeper so i dont worry much about rolling onto the baby and our mattress isn’t super soft so i dont think it poses much of a risk. my house is kept to 74°f (23°c) at night so i’m wondering what i should dress my baby in if she could end up next to me for sleeping. i normally do a lightweight footie pajama because we do have a fan on in our room at night (not pointed at us just facing away for white noise but it does cause air circulation) and i use a breathable lightweight blanket that i’m sure to keep off of her face and really anywhere above her chest.