S.O.S. 4 month sleep regression!


New member
My 4 1/2 month girls were sleeping a blissful 10-12 hours a night and suddenly started waking every 2-3 hours about 2 weeks ago. This momma is tired and it’s really starting to get to me mentally. It’s worse than when they were newborns.

Please, Jesus, someone help! Will take any and all advice. 😩
@annaboleyn All I can say is that you will get through it. We did CIO sleep training when they were 5 and bit months and that saved our lives. The book Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Twins was also my bible.

The four month sleep regression broke both me and my close girlfriend, and so I recommend asking for help, taking care of yourself and knowing you will be through it soon.
@annaboleyn Sorry for the late reply!

We kept them together, now they can sleep through the others crying for the most part. And we got rid of pacis then as well. Essentially our sleep consultant/doula said to get rid of as many crutches as you can at that point.

Man on man do I miss those pacis some days though!
@annaboleyn How on earth did you get them to sleep 10 hour stretches at night. Mine are almost 5.5 months and the longest stretch I get is 6 hours, and it’s only form my son, my daughter’s longest is 4.5 hours and she’ll wake up screaming like a banshee because she’s hungry.
@slaw777 Like a vampire from twilight, just didn’t need to sleep, that would be very helpful! Added bonus, you don’t age, these graying hairs wouldn’t be a thing. Also, a second set of hands I could pull back in my body like Stitch from Lilo & Stitch the Disney movie.