Room search’s


New member
Hello so I’m 18 I live with my dad yes just my dad my mom passed away about a year ago now his GF is slowly moving in but still has her place. Can my dad still search my room normally we like to reorganize my room every summer or 2 for a fresh feel and when we do he always gives me a warning saying if u are hiding anything u don’t want us to find hide it well or throw it away so i have been doing weed every year I’m not a pot head or anything just here and there I want to calm down so I get a disposable and I use that so I want to know if my dad is allowed to search my room even though I’m 18?
@roseaqua Yeah, I don't understand the question. Sounds like the dad is respectful of their space.

Also, of course OPs dad can search the room if he really wants to. It's his house. The moral implications is a different question though.
@patdog122482 I find the routine practice of searching a kid's room very strange. I would not search anyone's room unless I was worried for their safety, that goes for children and adults. So I am against random searches on priciple. They are in violation of article 16 of the universal rights of children which is the right to privacy, EDIT: and the same also goes for adults.

That said, I don't want any drugs except alcohol in my house and would feel uncomfortable staying in a house with drugs so I would ask anyone to abide by those wishes and keep their stuff elsewhere. If I felt this rule was being violated, I would search anyone's room, tbh.
@patdog122482 It would seem to me that the loss of your mom just a year ago and his g/f moving in would be enough upheaval here so he'd at least be distracted from whatever it is that has him so anxious about your space. I would talk with him about this and ask him why he's so anxious and maybe reassure him he doesn't need to worry so much, at least about this.
@patdog122482 He can. Age isn't what makes a difference, it's how you're living there. You aren't renting the room, just living in it while in a house that is legally his.

Now, should he respect your privacy? Yes. He shouldn't be searching your room on a moral level.