Re-training 2 y/o?


New member
We somewhat sleep trained my daughter around 9 months, the same time we weaned her from night feedings. She has always had a sleep crutch bottle before bed though and still does to this day, but for the most part once she was in her crib she would put herself to sleep. After we had her somewhat trained, my husband started rocking her to sleep and we've been doing that for the past nine months or so. She's turning two and although we plan to keep her in her crib as long as possible, I can't see this continuing once we transition to toddler bed. We would also love to move bed time up as she fights to stay up pretty late (9:30 pm). Her daily wake time is around 7 am and nap from 2 - 4 pm. Any advice?

TLDR: Need advice on breaking sleep crutch bottle, rocking to sleep and moving up bed time.
@rtrulock Following this as it’s almost the same situation here.

My daughter was great for a few months up until Christmas and then various illnesses and clocks changing has screwed everything.

She now won’t go down until 9ish and fights us (me) all the way. She also wakes up consistently at 2am wanting milk and generally settles pretty quick.

Any ideas?