R.O.P. appointments


New member
I can not for the life of me stand going to these appointments! And to make matters worse, my lo is two still going to this same doctor who seems to have no respect for anyone else's time!

My lo was born at 29+2. She was in the NICU for 84 days. We brought her home and of course we had appointments we had to go to. I had no problems with the first doctor. She liked to get her patients and out as quickly as she could while still being as thorough as possible. I would sit in the little room with my baby screaming her lungs out while the doctor would poke around her eyes. But never for long. No the problem came when we changed doctors due to one doctor leaving the practice, our doctor.

The new doctor would take her time poking in my lo eyes, breaking my heart listening to her screams. And it hasn't gotten any better, despite my complaints. This doctor continues to not have any respect for our time. We live almost and hour away maybe a little further. So we make the appointment for early so we can get in and out as fast as possible. This doctor has managed to mess up nap time when lo was taking morning naps. And now she is messing with meal times by not caring that my lo is on a schedule.

I hate going to these appointments.
@gotz i hated those too. what a relief the day they cleared us. i tried to schedule them in the morning on the same day we had something else to do at the children's hospital so we could go to the eye doctor, eat in the lobby, have a stroller nap, go to the other appointment (PT or whatever) then go home, not have to rush around as much. but it was still awful and they would make us sit in the waiting room for hours sometimes. i also love that they tell us over and over "no screen time" and then every waiting room is full of TVs blasting disney movies! thanks i'll just make my twins face the wall, very helpful
@gotz Our eye doctor only did preemies clinic-style so no appointment times, just first come first served. It was awful and honestly part of why we opted to do the ROP surgery when we were on the cusp after months and months. Now, 2 years later, kiddo doesn't need any visual assistance for now and we only go to the eye doctor yearly.
@gisellemartinez1 I wish it was only yearly. We go every 6 months and we sit there for about 3-4 hours. I'm honestly over it. Unfortunately the clinic is not premmie only. There are adult patients and children. I just can't stand going because it always messes with meal times.
@gotz Prior to the surgery we were going every 2 weeks, then every week. That's when we just opted into the surgery when it was still optional. It felt like a brutal waiting game and with how brutal those visits were. After the surgery and one or two post op visits, we went 6 months later and then now just annually. Totally worth it.