Questions for daycare mamas

@bellamas We sent our daughter close to age 3, and she was sick about every 1-2 weeks for a few months. After that it was kind of sporadic, but still pretty often. Just like everyone says, it took about a year for us to get to the point where we get a few months off from illnesses. My husband and I occasionally got sick, but not anywhere close to the amount of times that our toddler was sick.
@bellamas The first 9 months he was sick constantly. I was also sick constantly as I was also pregnant. He had like 6 ear infections from getting colds in 4 months. Tubes improved his quality of life. 6 months in he brought home a stomach flu that took out whole family, my brother, and my parents. It was 2 weeks of hell. He hasn’t been sick at all for the last few months though.
@bellamas Like every six weeks until he was 2 years old. He’s 2.5 now and we haven’t had an illness for six months so far.

We don’t get hit that hard as parents. Sometimes I’ll have a cold for a day or two. That’s it. The stomach flu has hit me twice now where I puked for an evening. It wasn’t too bad.

We exercise, cook from home, and vaccinate. I swear that the exercise makes a difference in how sick you will get.
@bellamas We started in March this year and we were all sick basically nonstop till June. And he was always getting fevers so we were home all the time. But ever since then, he’s had like… one or two very minor colds? With no fever, just like the sniffles. We actually brought the last summer cold home from a concert and he never even caught it. Must be building up his immune system, although I’m sure we’ll go through it all again in winter…
@bellamas When my oldest started daycare, he was contacting getting such for the first year before it showed down. He was good for the most part until my youngest started, then they started getting sick in succession regularly (never both with the same thing, mind). It's been almost a year, and it's finally starting to settle down a bit again.
@bellamas My daughter started at 6m. The first year was awful. She got ear infections so frequently that we had tubes put in her ears around 1yo. She turns two in a few weeks and is sick maybe every other month now, and it’s usually just a runny nose/cough. Nothing like it had been before. Previously, it was like we had a week MAX between illnesses. I believe the sicknesses stopped at around 14 months of being in daycare. She’s gotten Covid once, and never has had HFM (fingers crossed) she’s also lost at least one, but probably both of her ear tubes and has had one ear infection since.
@bellamas Ours started at 13 months and he was sick essentially weekly from September until January. And so were we. And then there were a number of things (4-5) between January and April. But since April we’ve only had two things and one was incredibly mild. So the summer did end up much better for us. I assume there will be more in the fall/winter but hopefully not as much as last fall.
@bellamas My daughter has been in daycare for 6 months so far and she's gotten sick maybe twice. My husband and I have only gotten sick from her once so far. I'm sure it might get worse in the fall and winter. What's really gotten us though is the illness policy!! Any time she throws up, has a fever, gets a cough, etc they have a policy about how many days she needs to stay home before she can come back, even if it passes and she develops no other symptoms. So it's all those 1-2 days of her being totally fine but still needing to be home that are tough. She's feeling totally fine and has her normal energy levels but she's not old enough to entertain herself very much yet 🙃
@bellamas My husband and I are just feeling better in the last week or so. We’ve been both sick for a month straight before that. I’ve had strep that took two courses of antibiotics and steroids to treat. My son has been in daycare full time since July (part time prior) You do the math. He’s gotten one GI bug, coxsackie, pinkeye, and the perpetual cough. We’ve kept him home maybe a total of a week altogether.

It hit my husband and I so much harder.

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