Questions about periods (or lack thereof) after tubal


New member
I am a 42 y/o female. Had my first period at the age of 8. Was put on birth control pills at the age of 12 (due to possible endo and very severe pain although it got better). Over the years I switched from pills to the depo shot. I took the depo shot up until about a year ago when I switched back to pills temporarily. With the shot, I never had a period. I did have regular monthly bleeding on the pill. I have only not been on birth control when I was trying to get pregnant and now, after my surgery.

I had a tubal January 26 this year. I bled for about 2 weeks after as I was recovering. I have not bled since. I have not had any monthly bleeding. I sent the doc a message and was told it is normal to have interruptions. I want to know how normal is it? i am not pregnant and technically haven't had a period for about 2 1/2 -3 months now. I asked if it could be menopause but he doesn't want to consider. My mom went into menopause in her early-mid 30's.

Is this normal as I was told I would be normal after the surgery? My issue is that I don't know what normal is since I have been on birth control so long.
@fabby I had a bi-salp around 3.5 weeks ago. I had my period 10 days later and it was basically non-existent, just spotting for about 24 hours.

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