Q for Parents who started using Cloth w Newborn


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Did you have to buy newborn cloth diapers or was there a brand you could use from NB up? How many NB cloth diapers do you recommend? How long did they last you for until you transitioned to cloth diapers for 8+ pounds? Also, FTM Q-why do many parents use disposables at night? Is it harder using cloth at night? Thanks.
@rui The one size diapers didn't fit well for our nb stage. They could have worked, but they were bulky. We ended up getting to about 6-8+ covers with about 28 prefolds. I like Thirsties, and their xsmall is supposedly 6-12+ pounds, so we got at least 2-3 months out of the xs. We are only phased out the Thirsties size 1s at 10+ months (they say they go to 18 lbs, but I found they still worked for our chubby 20+ lb baby). We used cloth at night when we were waking our baby up in the night and even after til around 6-7 months. We just couldn't make night cloth work because our baby sleeps 11-12 hours straight & we'd get leaks a couple times per week. Definitely recommend searching mercari for new/like new covers. There are a lot there, especially for the nb stage!
@rui our baby was almost 8 pounds at birth so we started with one size cloth diapers once his navel fell off (he was around 10 days old). We also started EC at the same time.

We have heard about other parents using disposables at night and we had a bunch of size 1 and 2 disposables that we were gifted, so we felt it made no sense wasting them. We're using them at night at the moment, but without having had any negative night experience with cloth.

For the past two nights, he has actually woken me up twice because he wanted to pee on the potty, so the disposable diaper I used ended up still dry in the morning. I guess EC might help us prevent those cloth leaks at night people are so worried about once we use up all of the gifted disposables - hopefully at least.
@rui I did use newborn sized cloth diapers, mostly happy flute hook and loop diapers, with my first. He was only 6lbs 2oz when he was born at 37 weeks, so one size just didn't fit him for the first month or so. I was happy we had them though. The original plan was to use sposies then transition to newborn after awhile, then one size, but he came home with a horrible diaper rash and no ointment helped much. After 5-6 days, I decided to try our newborn cloth and the rash was gone the next day.

Our second was born at almost 42weeks and 8lb, 15oz and we were able to use one side diapers until she potty trained. Alvababy does have newborn sizes diapers on their site and I've had good luck with them. In fact, I'm expecting soon and we gave away all the newborn clothes and diapers, so I bought some alvababy newborn diapers just in case we have another baby that decides they want out when below 8lbs.
@rui We use Esembly and used size 1 from 10 days to 10 months and have been using size two ever since (he’s 23months). We use cloth at night but added an extra bamboo liner at around 16 months just to keep him feeling dryer so he slept better.
@rudy2008 We’re also using Esembly and started size 1 at ~3.5 weeks! We waited until after his cord stump fell off and then I was recovering from a c-section so we weren’t quite ready to have extra laundry. So really just personal preference!

Edit to add: also we were gifted a TON of newborn/size 1 disposable diapers, and the hospital sent us home with more. We registered for none 😵‍💫 I was able to return a few boxes, but then we just used the other ones that I couldn’t return. When we first started cloth, we used these at night until we felt confident we had no daytime leaks (aka we put them on right) and then started cloth at night. Now I keep extra disposables in the diaper bag for doctors appointment where they weigh baby in a diaper. I ended up gifting some extra newborn disposables in our local buy nothing group, that’s how many we had been given 😂
@rui My daughter needed newborn diapers until she hit 13 lbs at around 5 months. My nephew was 13 lbs at one like 3 weeks and could start using one size diapers then. I did disposables for a few months, then borrowed a kit from a local eco-organization that allowed me to try different styles of newborn diapers. After I used that for 6 weeks I bought La Petite Ourse pockets…but then had to go back to disposables for a few weeks until she was big enough to wear them.

We’re doing disposables at night because my daughter has sensitive skin and I’m nervous about leaving her with moisture on her skin all night.
@rui My baby was small, and stayed small. We purchased about 32-35 newborn all in one diapers, 2 of the brands are no longer in business, the third brand is Texas Tushies. My baby didn’t reach 10 pounds until 4 months, and that’s when we started using some one size pockets. The one size pockets were still HUGE on her hanging down to her knees, so I really only used them on the first change after nap since that’s when she wet the most. We outgrew absorbency on the all in ones before we outgrew them in size. For my next kid, I’ll probably get some newborn hemp inserts to add, if they are just as small.

We used disposable at night because, she had some tummy troubles and was pooping so so so much, and I didn’t want to mess with cloth overnight. I prefer to rinse right away.

Edit: 32-35 is how much I have for both newborn and one size, but I could probably get away with less one size. I like washing 16-20 at a time, and the all in ones took a little while to dry out. I also liked being able to have 3-4 just in the diaper bag
@rui We used a service and started at I think 1-1.5 weeks old but they had two sizes of prefolds and one worked from birth, we switched to their larger ones around 6-7 months (I think 9-10 months was their suggested range but my kid is big). They did have a tiny size for newborns under 7lbs. I got given a ton of prefolds in the same size as the smaller ones from another parent so using those for baby 2 (due today, coming ??) and have pockets for when they’re bigger
@rui I use/d cloth with all three kids. I use Green Mountain Diapers prefolds with covers. GMDs prefolds are sized, and since I knew I wanted to use cloth on more than one kid, I bought 24 prefolds of each size nb-xl. If I was only going to do one kid, I'd skip nb and medium. I use Thirsties Duo covers, so I don't need nb-specific covers either; just size 1 and 2.

I do not use disposable diapers at night, or ever really. I think different parents have different reasons for doing so. For me, it was a no-brainer to cloth at night: I have the diapers already, why not use them? I add a hemp doubler or two to their nighttime diaper when they start leaking overnight, and this has always solved any overnight absorbency issues for us.
@hbyej60 When I bought mine, they didn't have the other sizes, so I only have the 8 ply ones. I did use medium quite a bit, but my first two kids outgrew the absorbency more quickly than some of the other sizes. So IF I was only going to use them for 1 kid, the mediums would be expendable. My same set of prefolds is going through a third kid now, so it was 100% worth getting all the sizes.
@rui Both my newborns (7 And 8 lbs) wore newborn cloth diapers for 2-3 months. We used luladews fitted prefolds with rumparooz covers.
@rui We started cloth immediately and exclusively with my first, and plan to with my second, due this summer! We had a few newborn inserts and covers (ai2) with my daughter, and sized her up to one size around 6 weeks or 2 months? We'll he doing flats/prefolds for #2 from birth, and a few fitteds (workhorses) for longer stretches.

You can get away with a smaller stash of newborn covers, but I found I did appreciate the smaller size and the space for the umbilical stump.

Edit: if you're open to pre-loved, newborn diapers are ideal! You can find them cheap and in amazing shape, since they're only used for such a short time. I have my firstborn's small stash, but have grabbed more pre-loved covers for the next baby.
@rui We started our preemie in cloth at about two weeks old. We spent a few days in the NICU and then my partners parents were visiting us. I had been on bedrest since 30 weeks so I ordered preemie size green mountain prefolds, newborn workhorse fitness, and 8 or so covers. We started with 8 newborn size pocket diapers from Alvababy and ordered 20 more so we can stretch laundry a few days. Baby is about 8 pounds and we are still pad folding the preemie prefolds in covers. We’ve been adding a bamboo pocket insert on top of the prefold because a newborn size prefold feels like a big too much bulk still.

The extra diapers turned out to be very helpful while I battled my wash routine not taking care of the diaper safe rash cream we used. We’ve also gotten disposable bamboo liners for the next rashy time.
@rui I use flats and tried four different covers, thirsties, pooters, Lunapaca and babeegreens. Pooters is nicer than thirsties. Lunapaca and babeegreens are beautiful wool, but they add extra thickness, which I think isn’t as big of a deal when they’re older. My baby is 2 months and still fits all the newborn/size small covers.
@rui I’ve done cloth from the start with both of my babies. My first was 7.5lbs at birth and we used green mountain diapers newborn prefolds and workhorses in thirsties size one covers. She wore those for at least a month before we moved into GMD size small. My second was 5 lb 13 oz so I bought newborn pockets and GMD small doublers for absorbency. We’ve been using the prefolds and workhorses since she’s been over 6.5lbs. She’s a month now and we still have some room in the newborn size. I love the workhorses for overnight. I just add another insert/doubler when they outpee the absorbency.
@rui We started from birth with flats, which let you fold them to fit all sizes of babies. We’re still using the same diapers at nine months.

We’ve not yet had a ton of trouble overnight (nine months old now), but some people struggle to get enough absorbency and control leaking once baby starts sleeping through the night. At eight weeks, I doubt this is something you’ll have to worry about for at least a few more months.