PSA - $7,984

@peatiron This is so fucked up im sorry, I hate this country for the healthcare aspect truly it’s so crippling. I’m considering taking my IUD out and im scared. The ER is insane price wise, I hope in a clinic it would be cheaper $960 is insane
@peatiron You can request an extension to pay, keep pushing it off, call the medical billing explain the situation, let them know you CANNOT pay, maybe file a grievance if you can with the hospital? Did you need to go to emergency? One time I went to emergency under recommendation of my doctor and I didn’t need to go, so I filed a grievance for the ER bill and they waived it, maybe you can find a similar solution with the hospital billing staff. I’m sorry this happened to you I hope you find a way to solve this!!
@andypsa Thank you that is a wonderful idea! I remember when I was still allowed Medicaid & got hurt out of state, they said it would be completely covered if I re submitted it (or something) as an emergency - how did I forget that? Thank you!! It was an emergency, I went around 1am and they told me I could not wait to see an OB the next day. I was bleeding too much.
@peatiron Ask to speak with the billing department and ask if they have financial assistance programs. I recently had to do this when I got placed on medical leave and I was making a paycheck and bills where still being racked up from hospital visits. I called the financial assistance department for the hospital and they helped me out and told me several ways to get my bill knocked down and things that would help supplement my income. I’m thankful I ate my pride and asked for the help. When I get back to work. I plan on donating to those programs to help others with my same issue. And to give assistance when others need it.
@peatiron I got an IUD insertion on September 12 in the hospital. They did a biopsy on my uterus and then inserted my IUD. I'm on my dad's health insurance. We have federal health insurance and I have paid a total of $647.03 out of pocket. And I'm pretty sure, I am still going to get some more medical bills. I don't have kids and I am single, so my situation is different. Certain bills I pay all at once and others, I just spilt them up. I've wrote about five checks paying these medical bills, lol. The hospital will be willing to work with you.

But America has the worst healthcare system in the world. I am sorry you're going through this.
@peatiron I went to the er because i thought it was migrating and the urgent care nurse told me to go...$1400 for an er doc to feel me up and tell me it feels fine. Fml
@peatiron I'm so sorry you've been burdened with that.

The financial gamble of IUD is really scary. When everything works perfectly and is done in regular office visits it's mostly covered by insurance. But when things go wrong, they can go really wrong and be very expensive. I've spent close to 1,000 USD on follow up appointments, bloodwork (Mirena made me bleed so much I became anemic), ultrasounds, and an x-ray.

Expulsion isn't uncommon occurring roughly 5% of the time. Sometimes it's an emergency. Sometimes you don't even notice when it falls out which is also terrifying that you could get pregnant.