Prolapse 4mo PP


New member
Went to PT today and had pelvic exam bc I still feel heaviness down there. I’m 4m PP and have a vaginal prolapse but more beside my rectum is pushing on it. Has anyone else had this? It’s not on the severe side but I have some work to do. I delivered a 9 pound 3oz baby and pushed for 2.5 hours. I had terrible hemorrhoids PP for weeks.

Will I ever be “normal” again? Having a baby is so intense :/
@jjrjr You’re not alone here. I started feeling prolapse pretty badly a few weeks pp, it took a huge mental toll on me. Around 8 weeks pp I started going to a PT every couple weeks and have done the exercises every other day when I can, I’m only 3 months pp now and it’s helped immensely.

I’m not back to “normal” yet but I’ve seen improvement with PT already!
@jjrjr You're not alone in this. I also experienced prolapse a few weeks postpartum (pp) and it was tough mentally. I started physical therapy (PT) around 8 weeks pp and did exercises every other day. I'm 3 months pp now and it's greatly improved. While I'm not back to \"normal\", I've seen progress with PT. Another user also had a similar experience after a difficult delivery. They saw significant improvement with time and a few PT sessions 7 months pp. So, hang in there, a lot can change in the first year of recovery.
@paulfromnowhere That’s great to hear! I understand this is a personal question so you don’t need to answer if you don’t want but when were you able to have sex? And was it super uncomfortable?
@jjrjr I had a traumatic birth with a 3rd degree tear.
I’m 5 weeks pp and definitely still feel “heavy” down there, pain/soreness on/off and terrible hemorrhoids.

I get really upset about this and cry on/off hoping my body will eventually go back to normal (even normalish)

Does it get better ladies?
@luth96 I’m currently 5m PP. It definitely gets better - I don’t feel all the way yet and Ive come to learn everyone has their own timeline. My best friend gave birth 3 weeks before me and was totally back to normal in 6 weeks- I started feeling a bit more “normal” as in I could walk around outside a lot more around 8-10 weeks. I felt like I was on the road recovery but now dealing with prolapse- which I hear improves with time and exercise. I’m still working on it.

I also had a big baby (9pounds 3oz) and the most brutal hemorrhoids. Get the fridamom donut to sit on, do herbal steamy sitz bath, and pat your bottom dry with tucks pads after bathroom. 🙏🏼
@jjrjr I have it too. Failed vacuum delivery turned c-section left me with a rectocele almost exactly a year ago. I’m happy to report it has improved a ton with time. I also did a few sessions with a physiotherapist around 7 month’s postpartum. I don’t even notice it much now. I was devastated for a long time about it too but try to go easy on yourself, a lot changes in the first year recovery wise.
@bel777 Thank you for this! Currently in PT with at home exercises, wondering if your treatment was different? I have same thing, rectum pushing on vaginal canal. So annoying