Prime Day/ Cloth diaper!

@kql314 I’m not experienced enough to say which ones you should or shouldn’t get, I just had to say how adorable those wet bags from the second link are. I love the Dinos, sloths, and lobsters so much 💕
@kql314 Personally I prefer their double pocket wet bags. I have three that get used often, I keep clean diapers in the front pocket and dirty in the big one. This is super helpful for the diaper bag.

In my experience LPO will have a sale that may be better to buy directly from their website. I adore my LPOs and plan to add a few more come Black Friday sales.

Overall it’s a decent starter pick but I think you’ll get more bang for your buck if you buy from them directly.
@kql314 LPO items won’t disappoint :)
I would check their website though cause you may be able to get the same deal and have your pick of prints instead of a bundle where they’re chosen for you. Also if you order from LPO directly, check their clearance section before you check out
@churchofuamember I'm waiting for my order to come in and this comment has me so excited.

I've never bought new cloth diapers, so it was a little treat and I'm too anxious!
@churchofuamember Yes, this. Or just get them here because maybe it's not worth your stress to maybe save a few extra dollars.

I love my LPO. I have all of these items. They've seen 19 months of use so far and they're holding up strong. My favourite brand of the brands I own.