Preparing for the pitcher method as a FTM

@sarnmere I did this exact setup for the first month or so. My babies never liked cold formula. They would go for room temp but cold seemed to give them gas. I prepped whatever he drank times how many bottles I had. I had 6 bottles so in the beginning I made 12 oz.
I only sterilize the bottles the first time before I used them. Once in a while I do toss them into the dishwasher and the nipples in the warmer on sterilize but I never have sterilized stuff. My second kid had meningitis at 3 weeks and the infectious disease expert made me feel like sterilizing was a waste of time if you don’t have a communicable illness in the household. My son got his illness from a tummy bug the other had no symptoms of and it randomly attacked his spinal fluid.
@sarnmere The only issue I’ve found with the pitcher method is it can be a waste if you don’t use it all within the 24 hours, and if your baby is on expensive formula it can add up! Especially if you plan to go somewhere for the day, you can’t make an entire pitcher. I bought one but haven’t used it in a while. I just now make them whenever she’s hungry, it only takes a few minutes anyway 😊 but a lot of people love the pitcher method! Definitely teach your baby to drink it cold so if you’re out and about, you don’t need to heat it up (I do have a portable bottle warmer which is nice but not necessary). It’ll make the transition to water much easier when they’re older!
@sarnmere I personally didn’t mind doing individual bottles because it got my daughter used to drinking a bottle anywhere without a warmer which was so helpful as she got older!