Preparing For Induction

Currently 38w3d, have had some fluctuations in blood pressure that they have been watching. This is an IVF pregnancy due to infertility, and baby has been big (but not huge) the whole pregnancy. OB scheduled my induction for Sunday night, and the L&D nurse went over the process for cervical ripening and manual dilation… needless to say I am terrified.

They gave me some stretches to do, recommended red raspberry leaf tea and some other supplements. I can’t find anything about them being supported by science, and they all just seem like old wives tales. The only evidence-based thing they recommended (that I can find evidence for) is walking, so I’ve been doing that.

Is there anything else y’all have heard of or done to start the dilation process? I really didn’t want to induce, and am honestly afraid of the manual dilation process. I’m sure it’s not that bad, but I’m freaking out.
@lostbreed_ofchampion I just learned about the raspberry leaf tea tonight, but figure it is too late to even try (supposed to be induced Monday). People suggest things like curb walking. I see doctor Thursday and am hoping they'll give me more info. Also plan on asking them more questions since I haven't had any health issues to speak of in the pregnancy. I'm just older and have a high BMI, but baby seems fine!
@lostbreed_ofchampion Human sperm contains a high amount of prostaglandin, a hormone‐like substance which ripens the cervix and helps labour to start…. I know you may not be in the mood but, it’s worth a try :)
@zummi My last pregnancy I did this and I was 4cm dilated at my last appointment before the birth.. unfortunately they said baby was gonna be 11lbs and and I wasn’t up for pushing out a baby that big, so c-section it was. But I def think this helps!
@urban_legend Holy! 11 lbs? How big was your baby when born? That’s good you didn’t even stress yourself with pushing and planned a c section. I had a big baby too and was begging for a c section but he eventually came out 😩 I’m glad you can attest to the cum thing tho! Lol
@zummi He ended up being 9lbs 14oz! He had little line backer shoulders too so I’m glad I had a c-section haha. But yes the cum thing def works, or did in my case
@lostbreed_ofchampion I would also say sex. It was recommended to me by my ob prior to my induction. Also, nipple stimulation was recommended to me by both nurses and anecdotally by family. But it has to be more than hand expression. I was told that my cousin went into labor immediately after using her breast pump. Of course this isn’t backed by science but she said it worked both times 🤷🏽‍♀️
@lostbreed_ofchampion Try to keep your mind on the positive side of things and stay calm! I was so anxious with my first I think that slowed dilation down. There’s so many variables that can happen, having a “I’m along for the ride, let’s have a baby” attitude might help relax you. I had a colposcopy when I was younger so they had to “massage” my cervix during…was very glad I had an epidural. Good luck!
@lostbreed_ofchampion Make sure you stay hydrated! I have a friend who was repeatedly sent home from the hospital over the course of days because she wasn’t dilated enough, but she was too nauseous to eat or drink much. When they finally admitted her and gave her a fluid IV she dilated IMMEDIATELY. I haven’t given birth yet and assume this won’t be the case for everyone, but staying hydrated can’t hurt!