Premie baby coming home on 1/2 liter oxygen

@sophiepoeta We came home on 1/2 liter and it fluctuated between 1/4 and 3/4 depending on his pulse ox readings. BPD, PDA closure, IUGR, g-tube. He came home at adjusted ~6 months and came off it completely 8 months later. It wasn’t a gradual ween. He was at the same level for the longest time and then did trials off oxygen for short bursts that eventually got longer and longer. I’m not sure if he ever went to 1/8th or 1/16th liter. He wore a pulse ox at night until he was 2.5 years old.
@sophiepoeta 24 weeker girl. Came home in .1 liter, came off in about 2 months. I think she could have came off a month sooner and we pushed for a at home test to do it earlier than they planned.
@sophiepoeta I just brought my son home on oxygen. He was also born at 25 weeks. At the hospital he did very well without oxygen it’s during his feeds he destat a bit. Right now, he’s on a quarter of a liter and he has an appointment with pulmonologist in February most likely will do a sleep study testing to see how he does. How are you adjusting with being home on oxygen. So far the pulse sock drives me nuts with the beeping.
@stagnate77 Our son basically only gets a little drifty when he is sleeping. The pulse ox is terrible. I don't see how they haven't designed something better for home use. If he isn't completely still it will beep for no reason. The concentrator definitely makes things harder around the house and especially when traveling at all.
@sophiepoeta 26 weeker, got off O2 at 39 weeks. O2 was averaging low to high 90s at home on the owl. PDA closed at 36 weeks after 2nd course of Tylenol. O2 has been high 90s now at home in the owl at 48 weeks post natal age.