PreK questions help


New member
SAHD of 4 years here, looking at some pre-K options for our daughter to go to a couple days a week (with plans to get to 5 days before Kindergarten) and we have a tour scheduled for tomorrow and I need to think of some questions to ask.

So far I have:
  1. Is lunch included?
  2. How is decipline handled?
  3. What is the ratio of kids to teachers?
  4. Naps?
  5. Bathroom things?
  6. Do you have accreditation?
  7. Are you religious weirdos?
  8. Is it worth it to work in a big box store to get discounts on hobby supplies?
  9. How do I deal with the feelings of existential dread and the inevitable loss of my job and a significant part of my identity here in a couple years?
  10. Will she be safe? (There was a mass shooting at our grocery store last year and FFF a nutter politician got caught “running it up the flag pole” in his truck next to a preschool while I was calling around TODAY!)
  11. Oh, and can we send peanut butter? Like, for snacks and things?
Would love to get your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
@dylan54 How do they help new students adjust and feel safe?

How much time do they spend outside?

What's their teaching philosophy? Do they focus more on academics or social growth?

What sort of curriculum do they use? How much free play/"center time" is there?

Do they use screen time?

Not only ratios, but what's the cap on class sizes? 1:10 sounds great until you learn there are 30 kids in a classroom.

What sort of education and experience do the teachers have? How long have they worked at that preschool? (This will give you a general idea about staff turnover)

How do they build a sense of community? Do they have family events? Can parents volunteer?

How do they handle holidays and sick days? Is tuition owed on those days?
@dylan54 Are there certain holidays they will be closed. What about breaks (e.g. winter break). How much outside time do they get per day. Ask if they have a sample schedule so you have an idea of what goes on during the day.

Depending on the type of PreK facility you may receive a parent handbook that has a lot of great information. I hope your kiddo loves PreK!

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